This is purely an opinion discussion. I expect opinions to vary wildly across the board. Not looking to be convinced nor expecting anyone's opinions to be changed. Just a boring Thursday discussion. (Hopefully, keeping the thread from being locked).
As my son gets closer to the magic age of 16 the question of a good first car have come up. Both with him and with SWMBO, grandparents, friends, co-workers, etc. Specifically, the discussion often revolves around "safety" and what's a "safe" first car. I believe in safety, btw, but I put it in quotes because of the fluidity of it's definition in this matter.
We have a newish car with a billion airbags, but small, that he could drive. He likes it. I fear what my insurance will be on a car with Turbo in the name. (It's a Fiat 500t). SWMBO likes that idea because it's "safe".
I don't like it because he can't autocross it, which is something he really wants to do. Well, that and the insurance thing, again. Plus, I don't like hand me down cars, and would prefer for him to have something he really wants that he'll take ownership of and take care of. The two on his short list are a Cooper or a Miata. SWMBO, him and I all agree it MUST be a stick.
SWMBO and others don't like the Miata because "it's too small" and doesn't have enough safety features. The Cooper is only slightly better. Friends and co-workers think I'm close to child neglect if I don't buy him something with 8 airbags, automatic braking, lane departure warning and an automatic. Literally, they shake their head as if I'm abusing my kid by NOT thinking of something like that.
Personally, I feel that driving is a privilege and requires 110% attention and respect. As a result, I'd be OK if he wanted a Locost or Sprite to have as a first car. In some ways, better, because he won't be lulled into driving poorly because "the car will save me".
So, what do y'all think? Does he need a full size modern SUV with all the safety features currently available because he's a new* driver? Could I let him drive a 60's sports car? If neither, what's the cutoff age to be "safe"?
*Quick note for those who don't know, my son's been racing karts nationally since he was 6. He has a TON of driving experience and is very heads up and aware of his surroundings. So, he's not your normal new driver. He want's something small and nimble that he can autocross and have fun with. Not something with gobs of power that he'll never have a chance to really use. (I've taught him the old "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow")