Not shabby, talked to him a bit tonight. He is vacationing in ft Myers. It is a 1969 that his father bought in 1994 to tinker around with. Dear old dad decided to get a C3 in the early 2000s so he brought it to his house and it has sat there since. The roof is missing but he said they drove it regularly when visiting his dad in Tennessee. When he gets back from vacation he will send me some pics and go from there. It has not been offered to anyone else and is behind a false wall in his garage so it has been invisible all these years.
It's hidden behind a false wall?! There's a story behind this one, I tell ya! 
I found an imp for sale in the local paper once, the guy had built his work area around the car so when you walked in the garage it felt like a 2.5 bay instead of a 3 bay. I'm guessing this is from being pestered to sell something sentimental.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
It's hidden behind a false wall?! There's a story behind this one, I tell ya!
Did Jimmy Hoffa ever own a Datsun? Many questions could be answered here...:

His wife said the top is folded in the trunk
That car wants to assist in your giving a blood sacrifice to the automotive gods, it told me so in a dream
See if you can get the rocking horse on the hood too.
I like what I can see of those wheels. 
From the looks of it. That isn't going to be cheap to get unless you are going to be VERY lucky to get it for cheap.
4/30/14 11:42 a.m.
Yeah, you're going to need that.
Tyler H
4/30/14 12:33 p.m.
That paint will probably clean up and buff out. Except for the rusty parts. 
Which part of TN?
It is from TN but it has been in Illinois for the last ten or so years. They bought it in Missouri.
4/30/14 12:46 p.m.
You will kick yourself forever if you let that one get away.
He works at a college and with graduation he hasn't had any spare time. It's been there 8 years so he isn't in a hurry and neither am I.
I have owned and driven 3 of them...I would feel lucky to do it again! One rule is to NOT let off the gas while cornering...engine compression will make like you pulled the emergency brake and snap you around. Kinda fun finding the edge though!
chandlerGTi wrote:
His wife said the top is folded in the trunk
for a 60s Japanese car... that may well be a wonderful "barn find" Its been garaged for a long time... that photo doesn't show anything bad, except dead dirty paint. The trim is all there...
Cheap?? Over/under $800??
Do want... you do want. Let us know when you have it. 
Deal was struck, going out for a family event 6/28 so I'll drag it home then.
Awesome. Build thread next with lots of pictures
Oh and congratulations you lucky bastard
I hope you realize you've used up an entire lifetime of luck with this find. So amazing.
Here's hoping you get two lifetimes worth of luck and get it restored!