Also re-installed this guy...OG Rostra cruise control setup.
When we originally built this car we tried to get an OE cruise from an EX sedan to work, but failed. So we had to go aftermarket.
But we did swap to the pedal set from that car which has an extra arm on the throttle pedal to which the Rostra actuator cable can mount.

Test drive works!
Here's the dash mounted controls.

Test drive also verified we got rid of the surging idle problem when clutch is in but speed is non-zero. Built a 0 timing well around it in the tune.
Still need to work on driveability at very low TPS levels. The high compression motor has a ton of engine braking so when the injectors shut down at zero TPS, it's hauls down way too hard.
Well now, this is fun. Recently, we sent in our Hondata KPro Ecu to have the board updated to the latest. New features include faster data logging, integrated flex fuel and ...Bluetooth comms to a phone app.
Started playing with it tonight. Basically, an enhanced set of gauges. Will allow monitoring of key engine parameters during transits, including fuel economy.

These just showed up.
Proud to partner with Yokohama this year...we have a plan to make them last.

All tires must be sourced from Tire Rack, and are branded OLOA 24 for verification. Eliminates manufacturer shenanigans with special tires. 
you act like this event is coming up soon or something.
Good luck, Have Fun.
So...headlights....we have much better ones now.
The CRX comes with 9005/9006 bulbs, the latter of which are abysmal. A very common mod is to do a little tab filing to put the 9005 high beam bulb in the low beam hole. We did that when we originally built the car. Works a treat. even newer swap is now common...9011/9012 HIR burners in place of 9005/9006. Same wattage draw but lots more light.
So what did we do? Combined the two concepts. We now have 9011 HIR high beam bulbs in all four positions. Still need to be aimed and then we'll see if the low beam is too annoying to others. If it is, we'll sub in 9012's.
Edit ==> Aimed and tested last night. Solid performance, though our right side housing internal reflectors seem to be somewhat decayed. Gosh, I love old cars...

Aero improvement incoming 😀
The spare hatch we used to mount our new rear wing was missing the upper trim piece...very common with these cars.
One of the bits we picked up at the CRX Farm a couple weeks ago was that trim piece. But the 30- year old hold down clips are no longer serviceable.
Another CRX enthusiast, Jason Hornberger, makes 3D printed replacements using a simpler one-piece design.

Flex fuel ethanol content sensor is in and works. Love these Earl's fitting adapters. No weird plastic clips, and threaded so they won't come undone.

KPro takes the GM sensor output directly, and is set up to handle both fuel and ignition compensations accordingly. Tomorrow we build that tune.
More logistics...we don't go through Texas this year, but this works in Kansas. The rest is covered by our EZPass, which is portable.

Waterproofing the car as best we can. Rear bar through the body is a challenge.

Replacing bulbs so we don't get pulled over on a technicality.

Moar street car, less race car.

Masonite cut to fit hatch area and painted to match...sorta. Will make loading/unloading heavy stuff much easier, especially over the spare tire well. Our spare is too big to fit there anyway.

A little "hand lathe" action to clearance the spacer for the horn button ground ring.

And in with the new...well actually borrowed from the other CRX which was built less than two years ago.

And we now have a working heater/defrost with fresh hoses. It's not super hot, since the cooling system has a 160 degree thermostat.
Had a bit of a scare with leaking at the heater core input when first installed, but turned out one of the hoses was a touch too big ID. Found another and its holding now.
Got our wheels all cleaned up and tires mounted...

Wheel weights all marked and insides are taped for heat resistance from brakes.

Andy Hollis said
Big items are:
o Replace braking system...all of it.
o Re-install cruise control and hope it still works
o Hook up heater and hope it still works
o New engine harness
o Acquire and mount our competition set of tires and spare.
o Replace wheel bearings and build spare front corners
o Better headlights
o Swap steering wheel and horn button
Like to haves include:
o Flex fuel sensor
o Bluetooth engine gauge display
This list is now complete, except for the engine harness. We have the part in hand but decided to simply carry it as a spare rather than risk any untested new parts.
"If it's not broken, don't fix it"
But we also have a new list...mostly small stuff.