Has anyone seen this film yet? http://www.questdocumentary.com/ I don't recall where I heard about it, but it sounds like an interesting film. Frustratingly, it has only been shown a handful of times. If you've seen it, how was it? Is it worth ordering the DVD?
I haven't seen the whole movie but I watched the trailer a while ago, and it looks pretty good. There's another independent film out there called http://www.boysofbonneville.com/ I'd also like to see, it's about Ab Jenkins, his endurance records, and the restoration of his race car.
10/21/11 1:48 p.m.
There's also "Love the Beast" excellent. Really drives home the point about our feelings with cars.
And of course "World Fastest Indian." Excellent.
Just ordered "Quest" and put "Beast" on Netflix. Wife will be gone for a week on business. Name some others I should watch. BTW, I have Grand Prix and LeMans.
truth in 24 if you haven't seen it yet.
I live just South of where the owner of the Le Mans Corvette lives. I saw him trailering the car down 81 one day. It's just gorgeous
dust to glory, the running of the 2003 baja 1000 from different points of view. very cool movie also.
So I guess no is the answer. 
vwcorvette, once you watch it, would you offer us a review? Hate to spend the $20 if it sucks.
Will review after watching. I may be biased however, given my Corvette enthusiasm!
Cannonball, gumball rally, gone in 60 seconds (the 1970s original), Italian job, Vanishing point, and two lane black top are all great car guy flicks.