Let's say you want something absurd- yeah, I know a Z06 will outperform this and that and blah blah blah, but let's keep this restricted to things that would make you go "what the berkeley?!" if you saw it in traffic. What are the deals in this "you'd have to be insane to daily drive that" segment of vehicles? The cheaper the better, the crazier the better.
Here are some examples of what I'm talking about- to me, the Esprit is perfect, the Viper is a bit of a consolation prize:


I think Nissan GTR's are well within the realm of my budget, but I can't get over how fun and cheap my NB Sport Package Miata has been.
For the money, I think last year's Corvette Stingray would be perfect car for under $40k.
Otherwise, VIPER
AMG w/V12 Daddy like!

In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
Does the Prowler fit in this discussion?
The silly Chevy SSR convertible truck thing?
How about some disco-era, bad Corvette Summer impersonating C3?
2/13/20 7:51 a.m.
Space frame cars always get a second look from me
In reply to John Welsh :
Maybe, although those were both relatively affordable when they came out so they're not quite at the level of silliness I'm talking about- are they cheap now?
All around competent super-ish car, for the money, maybe a 996-type 911 turbo? Agreed on Esprit being a cool option. Gallardo perhaps?
Are you talking like, silly supercar-type vehicles that were unobtanium for the normal guy when they first came out to now being a bit affordable albeit a possibly bad decision?
Viper is pretty high up there with the V10.
Maybe a golden '77 Porsche with some RUF work done on it
How about a V12 Jag Vantage?
Banana Yellow Elise, perhaps?
Within 250 miles of KC, I'm surprised at how many Vipers, 911s, Hummers, and Bentleys there are.
This one is easy - Fiero kit car. $4800 and you too can be the proud owner of something that will make everyone else question your sanity.
Ian F
2/13/20 8:29 a.m.
Assuming "cheap" is in the high $20K to low $30K range, it's hard to go wrong with a Viper or a Esprit. Either will still turn heads in ways a better performing Corvette will not.
Left field - a Noble, maybe? Although some cursory Googling indicates they sell in the $60K range these days.
As much as I like the Pantera, they aren't all that cheap anymore.
...the crazier the better...
Specifically the GRMer's version:

Maybe the more traditional closed cockpit would be better for DD'ing.

Panoz Roadster for this guy

Cheapest to maintain and easiest to mod and use for track. Viper. I love mine. Its peaking out in the back of the photo in the garage.
But actual factual usable supercar, just buy the best R8 you can in a manual and call it a day.

I have no idea what they're going for on the used market, but I saw an ariel atom last time I was in San Fran and I literally couldn't wrap my mind around it.
Viper is the clear winner, but I do also get tingles when I see an early NSX or Elise out on the road. They don't have the "how aren't you dead yet" gravitas but there's not much left everyone hasn't already mentioned.
2/13/20 10:35 a.m.
I keep seeing them on Racingjunk.com. I have no experience with them but always seemed to have a soft spot.
Panoz Esperantes.
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
2001-2006 MB CL65 AMG - 200K new; twin-turbo V-12 with 604 HP, nice ones now for 20-30K.
That miata with the hemi is probably going for cheap now..
Vector W8 is probably the best cheap supercar. Not best supercar, but best cheap.
I see Doug DeMoron did a review, have not watched it.

In reply to nimblemotorsports :
Find me one cheap please! There were very few of them, as far as I know?
This is easy. Maserati. Only ferrari engines exotics you can buy for 25k just because the current owner has a service upcoming.
R8 is the best daily out of the group IMO.
Aston Martin is a rare sight that has tough resale values.
I personally would go with an older ferrari. Anything in the less than $50k group would do fine for a "woah never seen one in person" type of DD and you would get extremely knowledgable on carb tuning and clutch/timing changeouts.
How much do Cizetas go for these days? Definitely a WTF? moment when you see one, especially with lights up.

2/13/20 11:34 a.m.
Early watercooled 911s would be my fist choice
2/13/20 11:39 a.m.
I just checked for used gtm prices, but didn't see many data points. Most seemed above the target $$ here, but I'd be curious what a budget build version would run, starting with a salvage vette maybe.
2/13/20 11:40 a.m.
In reply to Olemiss540 :
+1 for Maserati.
10 year old Gran Turismos are about $30k and still look dramatic.
2/13/20 11:41 a.m.
Sl55 fits this set of berkeleyed-up parameters pretty darn well.