Here is the "Air Intake Maximizer" for your Ferrari F430!!!

They say said:
Boosts engine horsepower and torque
Extremely safe and economical
Increase Horsepower
Reduction in waste gases, reducing pollution.
Cheaper and more effective than other static type fuel savers.
Fits to 99% of car intake systems (2.5inch), comes with (3") adapter rings for larger intakes.
Reduces fuel usage by between 11% and 27%.
And if that's not enough, here is an "Electric Super Charger Kit"!!! Boosts up to 2.5 PSI!!!

The Ultimate Electric Super Charger is 3-in-1 unit that will give your vehicle an increase of 50-75 horsepower. This device was specially made to fit almost every make and model. The technology behind the SC-902 is where we stand apart. Our engineers have been able to create a product that sends over 2psi of forced air into your engine. This forced air gives you massive horsepower increases by allowing your engine to mix more air and fuel. This patented technology will give your vehicle unbelievable power.
Didn't somebody do a dual hairdryer supercharger on a Corvette a while back, or am I behind on my meds again?
Yeah, Hot Rod mag did was twin leaf blowers and it worked.
"sends over 2psi of forced air into your engine. This forced air gives you massive horsepower increases"
Oh, brother....
2/8/12 12:19 p.m.
What's sad is that someone with an f430 is gonna buy that and have it installed.
I bet it really could develop 2psi .. if the engine wasn't running. With the engine running it's probably a major restriction in the intake.
It looks like a computer cooling fan.
Long ago there was a well respected/knowledgeable member on a Contour forum who hooked up an E-Ram to his non-SVT V6 and got a repeatable 9hp peak increase out of it (measured in multiple runs on a dyno at a Contour meet), with a big increase down low. IIRC it then fell off while driving down the highway and got destroyed. He didn't bother putting a new one on.
What happens when the blades come off and gets sucked into your Intake Mani? I am assuming it goes after the MAF. Reason I ask is I have a laptop computer fan with plastic blades. Have had this for about a year and both little fans have at least one blade missing. I can hear it rattling in the plastic case. I'm not worried about it, but I would be worried when a blade is sucked into the head of my $100,000 Ferrari....
It's about time somebody addressed the weak points of Ferrari motors...low horsepoewer.
Cone_Junky wrote:
It's about time somebody addressed the weak points of Ferrari motors...low horsepoewer.
Maybe it's really for teh torques.