Is there an online place that rents car repair tools? I went to Autozone and Advance but they did not have what I was looking for.
I have a vacuum leak that I have been chasing with no luck. I want to rent good quality smoke machine, like the Redline ones. Somthing like this:

10/8/15 5:30 p.m.
Have you thought about making your own, or buying used? I'm not sure you'll find that for rent.
I have looked for used ones, but they are still expensive. For the price difference I'd just buy a new one.
If I can't find a place that rents these things, then a homemade one is the next step. I was just thinking maybe I can rent one and avoid having to make anything.
Screw it, I just ordered one. I'll get my money back by renting it or I'll sell it once I am done.
I'll report back on how it worked out. Hopefully this works or I'll be pissed.
Funny thing is that I ordered from Tooltopia (they were the cheapest I found) last night at around 6pm and I just got it the next morning on a Saturday. Free shipping too.

10/10/15 1:17 p.m.