z31maniac wrote:
Please guys, read your policies, talk to your agents and call around to many different insurance carriers.
There are alot of misinformation and assumptions in this thread.
Which is the misinformation?
I KNOW that insurers have dropped people for auto-xing in Ontario. At least a couple years ago (I've been out of auto-x since buying a house...unfortunately) it wasn't unheard of for agents to peruse the forums.
Yes, it IS technically illegal, but recourse against the insurer can be costly or a big hassle. Insurers have also been known to drop people for (DOT legal) modifications.
I'd like to add that my local insurance agent (State Farm) has been nothing short of fantastic over the 11 years I've been with them.
8/25/08 6:47 a.m.
mikeatrpi wrote:
ddavidv wrote:
My BMW is insured with State Farm liability only.
The one I work for, who is famous for a lizard-like spokesman,
Interesting that you don't insure your own vehicles with your employer. Any particular reason why? I'm a customer of the lizard-like variety...
I've worked for 3 different insurance companies including the lizard and the Big Blue Box With No Soul and have always been with SF. SF has thus far treated me okay and I like my agent. The BBBox had such a lousy discount for employees there was no reason to switch. The lizard would curl up in a corner and suck it's thumb if it saw my E30. They would want no part of it, and I also own two classics I'm not sure they would be competitive on. Honestly, I just don't want the hassle of changing or finding out. I am not a typical car insurance customer by any stretch. Because I have a company car, I almost need the BMW registered as a DD to get the multi-car discount. I just have a weird situation. The lizard is a generally good insurer, big on keeping the customer happy (within reason) but not so great at living outside the sphere of the typical lemming car owners that make up the bulk of the populace.
Here's what my AE92 has: a barebones-minimum insurance policy with an insurer who doesn't know I run any events and will definitely never hear about any accidents that occur on the track
if they knew I ran events with my car (as I've done just 500 feet from their building, hehehe) they'd drop me like a hot potato, and the cycle would continue with another insurer. Mind you none of the events I run require any sort of insurance.
My current insurer is actually the worst on the island. They stake out at gas stations to make sure you don't park near the wrong crowd at the wrong time, for which they will drop you on suspicion, they have "scout cars" running about making observations, and I've heard they browse local car forums. They won't insure "race cars" with "racing attachments" like factory decorative spoilers, if the wrong person inspects your car. They also seem to know when you're shopping around for insurance and explicitly advise you against it. Even though my driving record is totally clean they charge me what most people would pay for a new 1.8L hot hatch, and like I said, the coverage is absolutely minimal. If only I could afford to tow...
Oh also I might be running offroad events in the Sammy soon, so same deal for that