I have never been to truck pulling before, went to our local event tonight and it was great, small town but we had about 120 trucks, including tractors, semis and a multitude of trucks.
Serious horsepower, some definite technique and balls to the wall. I had a blast.
As a road racer I had no idea it would be so much fun.
When you get a tractor with 6 blown Chevy big blocks, that's serious. In any book.
9/27/09 3:40 a.m.
Watch out for shrapnel. And by "shrapnel" I mean entire goddang engines:
9/28/09 9:05 a.m.
Next time we'll turn the boost down a little
I went to a few of those back in the 80's when they would run two v12 P51 Mustang Merlin or Allison engines on the tractors. I wonder if they still do? I bet it was expensive when they lunched one of those engines. 
9/28/09 10:24 a.m.
<img src="
" />
I started my motorsports hobby by entering a Case RC tractor (1930's model) into a tractor pull when I was 12 or 13. This tractor has a single front wheel, which was in the air for most of my pull. I was hooked.
I then entered the tractor above (sorry for the crappy pic) into another pull. I was overweight (no duals or weights when I entered it). The tractor is an early '50's McCormick W9, but it weighed over the limit for the antique class. They let me pull it anyway. I did a full pull, with all the weight they brought to the event.
They don't really have harvest fairs around here, and I miss that. I've seen truck pulling, tractor pulling, lawn tractor pulling and doodle bugs. I remember one doodle bug in particular that was VW diesel powered - everyone else was competing for second place.
9/28/09 11:12 a.m.
yeah truck pulling is big around here in WV, too.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a crappy mobile home from the 70's with a pulling truck loaded up on a $5,000 trailer behind it, with a built motor worth probably another $5k under the hood. Priorities. lol.
But its definitely grassroots.
In waynesburg, pa, they do the semi trucks. Those are pretty fun to watch, too.
9/28/09 11:19 a.m.
IIRC, Bowling Green has a Tractor Pull event (championship?) every year....might want to check it out.
canadians win
Loaded truck pulls up hill on a street... what a bunch of nutters... !!!!
What is the chance that those safety rails would actually slow one of those when out of control
wow, some of those are insane.....talk about torqu on that red truck when you see that frame twist.....
yeah. you should see the rear suspensions. some are just welded axles to the frame. some involve lumber.
They make me chuckle.
I've often wondered if a solid rear actually helps or if a heavy duty semi style trailing link or something might actually be able to provide more traction while taking up some of the shock.
Thats right.
I'm talking about bringing physics and science into truck pulling.
9/28/09 10:52 p.m.
from the looks of the chassis twist in the vid iggy posted, the chassis serves as the suspension, and you don't have to worry about turning links into pretzels
Strizzo wrote:
from the looks of the chassis twist in the vid iggy posted, the chassis serves as the suspension, and you don't have to worry about turning links into pretzels
not quite.. most large trucks are capable of twisting the frame like that. However, Those trucks have full suspension..
so youre saying there's so much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line?