The short story...
Left TSX lights on at pharmacy and battery died. Got a jump and drove home. Got out of the car and noticed the car alarm armed itself, something it hadn't done in years. So dumb me opened the door and all hell broke loose. Closed the door and put key in door, turned to lock and then unlock, which normally would disarm the alarm. Nothing doing. Nothing I try is working. Hit secondary alarm switch. Nothing. Disconnect battery to stop the whole town from waking up. Finally disconnect secondary alarm (ok, I cut the wires to the secondary alarm horns), but factory alarm which is connected to horns on either side still blasting like crazy. finally pull the fuse for the horn to go to work but lose brake lights I think, and VSA light won't go off. I don't think this is connected to the alarm in any way, but probably to the low battery before it expired. So, after all that, the question is... Any way to reset the VSA and any ideas on resetting or disconnecting the alarm? Car drives ok, but flashers stay on for about 30 seconds, then go off till I open the door to get out, then they come on again. Any help is greatly, and I do mean greatly, appreciated.
Thanks All!