I'm trying to post a reply to one of my threads with updates on NC rollbar but when I click post I am getting this error
"something went wrong, go back down the road you came from" or something along those lines.
Any ideas what is causing this? I was able to reply to another one of threads w/o issues
I posted there successfully.
I've had the same happen before. When I get that "something wrong" message, I hit refresh (maybe even hit refresh a few times.) That refresh seems to make additional attempts to make the posting. Eventually, the posting succeeds.
Thanks guys but still not having much luck. I was able to post a test reply as well but when I try to post a slightly longer version I'm still getting the "something wrong" errors. Anything beyond that paragraph I posted in that thread triggers that error message.
Stampie: this is using Safari on iPad, no idea how to clear cookies :) but this is the only forum that I've seen issues like this.
Edit: I think I figured out what's triggering that error. I was copying and pasting from an existing note typed on my iPAd and in one of the sentences there was an emoji smiling character from iOS. If I take that one out I can post successfully but if it's in then you get that error. Weird..
Edit2: Was able to recreate the same error on this thread as well by only trying to reply with only that pasted emoji character
Stampie said:
Clear your cookies.
Buy a canoe. They never have problems posting.
Sometimes the intarwebs just has hiccups. I usually surf something else for a couple minutes and try later.
In this case I think it's pretty clear <insert iOS lol character > is an considered an invalid character and forum software throws an exception.. nothing to do with cookies.
In reply to newold_m (Forum Supporter) :
This forum is powered by Salesforce and emojis cause Salesforce to freak the hell out for some reason.
Normally when I get that error it's because I have an emoji somewhere or some kind of string that Salesforce interprets as markup.
Overall it's kind of an odd forum solution but it works...most of the time.