Last night on the way home from picking up a fuel tank that doesn't leak, the 3 year old V belt on the escort decided, on 95, that it no longer wanted to live. In spite of traffic's best efforts I was able to get off at the next exit and got the car to Delaware tech's Stanton campus, though by the time I pulled into their lot, even with the heater blasting, the temperature gauge was nearly pegged.
I have procured a new belt this morning, but the problem is, I suck at doing accessory belts. Like, really suck at them. Jumper cables are likely a good idea to bring a long as it was probably 3-4 miles of driving sans alternator.
It's a long shot, but I figured I'd see if anyone more competent in doing accessory belts was arpt in the area today.
In reply to PMRacing :
He has an autocross today (when involved in event organization, it's a different animal). Fingers crossed that this evening may be a possible on that end though, the car is under a pretty solid LED light.

I grew up around there but most of my friends have moved out of the area. I just knew Duke lived nearby. Good luck! Wish I could help.
I just looked it up to see how far from Boston.... unfortunately it's 6 hours. If it was even half of that I could have headed your way.
8/28/22 12:50 p.m.
Hey, is the car still there?
Call me at Delaware's only area code, five too ate oh sex one too.
If it weren't on the parking lot of a local learning institution, I'd suggest that I'd pick up some beers. Although it is Sunday as well. The NA Guinness is solid, but that would likely be frowned upon as well.
Also, Duke is the man. Everybody in the area should volunteer to work the Coatsville vintage Grand Prix, and should attend BMC autocrosses. If I ever get this thing safe and reliable enough to do more than a single event a year after 2 months of thrashing on it to get it ready, I'll be running BMC events.
Nice, sounds like it lives?
I also hate serpentine belts, however I got one of those belt grabber tools and it was a game changer for me.

8/28/22 8:48 p.m.
Car is fixed and parked at my house until Cap can retrieve it. Cap's headed home in his other car.
Thanks again! Assure the neighbors that property values will return to normal shortly.