Question for the GRM brain trust--
I want to get your opinions on the value of a car. It's a car that belongs to a family member that is somewhat removed of his faculties, and it needs to be sold. There is some contention in the family as to the value of the car.
I have my own opinions as to it's worth, but I'd like more input.
The car is a 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 coupe. It's a German market import. It's black with black guts. The car has been sitting for maybe 5 years. Other than the classic 911 oil leak, there is no damage, rust, or known defects beyond what you would expect out of a car that has been sitting- rotten gas, musty interior, etc.
Thanks for any input.
I'll write you a check for $8k and have it in the mail in 15 minutes. I suspect that it's worth somewhere between $10k and $12k as it sits and somewhere between $15 and $20 if someone spends a couple of weeks making sure everything works. Past that, it's just a matter of how well it polishes up. These aren't hugely loved cars (as much as you can say that for a 911) but they're a car that I'd buy in a heartbeat for the right price.
A solid 3.2 Carrera, that is mechanically sound and can be driven with little work could go for 15 to 20,000. But again pictures speak a thousand words and if it is in the condition you suggest, just dusty and dirty I would think closer to the 20 markl.
Mike Kirby
2/19/14 10:32 a.m.
I'm hardly a porsche expert, but I do know that 911 values have recently spiked and you may be able to make some decent coin, especially if you cleaned it up.
That said, I will be a first in a long line on this board to offer to get rid of it for you as it is not worth anything.
Good luck with your situation.
Something to note: How badly did the DOT screw it up? For instance does it have doorbars? Still have the pimpy transmission cooler?
Sadly, sitting for five years with bad gas has rendered the car completely worthless. But because I am a nice guy, I will give you an entire case of PBR for it!
Heck, I'll offer a case of Sam Adams!
Definitely clean the car up, sort out the fuel system and get it running properly. Even if you spend a few grand on that, you'll get the money back.
A nice, well running and preferably registered ROW C3.2 should bring about 25k for a coupe; some of that depends on the options the car has - sports seats for example tend to add some additional money.
$8500, and I sent the check yesterday...
2/19/14 1:08 p.m.
$8501 and i'll wire it now - none of this check's in the mail stuff
In reply to Aeromoto:
Forget all these goons with their fake offers.
Just contact me when you figure out a price.
My offer wasn't fake! The last time I did this I followed through and ended up with a three ton green station wagon. My wife would complain way less about an extra 911 than the wagon.
In reply to mazdeuce:
No, it was just low ball.
$5k and a built turbo 95 Miata.
2/19/14 2:17 p.m.
Big questions:
How many miles?
Has it ever been hit or painted?
Do you have any service records?
Feel free to send me an email if I can answer any questions that you might have. I follow the Porsche market very closely.
Woody wrote:
I follow the Porsche market very closely.
The only one, you are not
2/19/14 2:49 p.m.
In very general terms:
Pre-74 cars are usually worth the most, with many variations within this group affecting the value
then turbos
then 87-89 cars
then 84-86 cars
then 78-83 cars
then 74-77 cars
Targas and Cabriolets are worth substantially less than coupes and gray market cars are usually worth a little less than a US market car, with a few exceptions.
Condition is very important.
2/19/14 2:57 p.m.
Like all porsches - miles, records and for a gray market - epa/dot releases would be good (and maybe confirm the door bars aren't painted broom handles. If it's original and like Woody's questions - no accident history - the miles are good and decent records (cleaned up and running) I think it could be up to the low/mid 20s. A little scruffy and perhaps more like 16-17 (now kicking self about selling my targa fairly cheap a while back).
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to mazdeuce:
No, it was just low ball.
Maybe. But what if all four calipers are frozen and the fuel system is completely berkeleyed and the fuse box is one big ball of green fuzz and it turns out that mice have been nibbling wiring and there are title issues? Now is $8k a low ball? I was completely serious that I would have put a check in the mail with no further information. I still contend that an isspection will probably yield it $5k more than my offer as it sits and in the $20k range when sorted if it's a good car.
Thanks for the info guys. I'm not the one that's actually in charge of selling it. It's my step brother's car and his daughter is handling it for him. I'm not sure about service records or anything else. To be honest I haven't seen the car since 2011 when I moved from his condo in Gainesville (see pic below, the only pic I have) to an airplane hangar in Lake City, but since then it's been moved back to storage somewhere back in Gainesville.
From what I'm hearing, $8-9k might be pretty close to her number or may not be out of the question. Thanks again for the advice.
Yeah, I'm sure you could sell it to one of us in gainesville and get it out of your hands without much more than a phone call. A finders fee of a fresh set of rallycross tires would be fun to ask for.
I gave the first serious offer! I'll hook up the trailer and head over.
Best of luck. Shouldn't be a hard car to sell and if it goes to the right person it will be brought back to bring a nice drive able car.
I can't offer cash, but perhaps you are interested in one evening with my wife...
Mazda- I'll let you know what she decides to do. Thanks