Details and rules coming very soon.
The Man said: To even the playing field for teams in the challenge with cars bearing huge advantage, points will be removed at the judging staff’s discretion based on the following criteria. Cars are eligible for points in more than one category. Soviet Bloc cars: -5 points. No, German cars don’t count unless they’re Trabants. Nice try. French cars: -3 points. Italian cars: -2 points. Geo Metro Convertible: -1 point. This is the Darren Rule. Other orphan brand cars: 0 to -3 points. Orphan brands are either defunct (Saturn, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, and also ones that aren’t former GM subsidiaries) or no longer sell in the U.S. Incognito cars: 0 to -3 points. This covers replicas and kit cars. Star Wars cars: 0 to -3 points. Any car with a Star Wars theme or style is eligible. Classic cars: 0 to -3 points. Anything from a model year of 1983 or older is eligible.
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