Sure, both teams may have built Datsun Roadsters to compete in our $2000 Challenge, but both teams certainly built them much differently: where one team dropped in a turbocharged KA24DE engine, the other team fitted its Datsun body over a Formula 440 car. Presented by CRC Industries.
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When the builds are this wild, does anyone really lose at the $2000 Challenge?
Man the one on the left has such a 166M look to it.

I am really excited to see what both of these cars look like at the 2021 challenge.
1/28/21 6:00 p.m.

I'm even in the same color as Mike here
New Reader
1/29/21 3:00 p.m.
Very well done video! Thank you for the time and effort.
I get to show my wife what we do, and have video evidence of us not being weird or crazy (well...).