I bought one for my moms 66 bug, but I am really not impressed. It just has poly pads that rest against the axles, so it seems like it could easily fly off while driving and its not even made very well (holes drilled 1/8 inch off, etc). Is there any place that still makes a good one? Or do you even really need one on a swingaxle bug?
I had one with the poly pads on my Ghia and it never gave me a problem. If you want to get a higher quality unit I would suggest looking for an original Empi one on the samba. They had straps that wrapped around the axle instead of pads, but can be pricy.
After doing a little research it looks like the only properly made one was an EMPI one that has been discontinued for more than 20 years. I dont really want to risk using that junky one and having it fly off and kill someone on a motorcycle going around a freeway onramp or something.
Joe Curry makes one for a Spitfire. You're on your own as far as adapting it, but it's premade. Alternatively, do it yourself. It's just a leafspring mounted upside down. You've got the mounting bracket with the kit you already have.
Add rubber bushed links between the compensator ends and the axles (think anti-roll bar link setup).
Sounds to me like you are already 90% there.
You can find everything you need at a salvage yard (or new at FLAPS).
The mounting bracket is junk too, thats the problem. You can buy a copy of the original empi one but the bracket doesnt make sense. The later one has a much more complicated bracket so since the vendors can sell cheap junk for $100, I dont think anyone thinks making a better one is worth it.
Travis_K wrote:
The mounting bracket is junk too, thats the problem. You can buy a copy of the original empi one but the bracket doesnt make sense. The later one has a much more complicated bracket so since the vendors can sell cheap junk for $100, I dont think anyone thinks making a better one is worth it.
It doesn't take much looking to find alternatives to the cheapie knockoff.
and for DIY reference,
This is a great car setup post, smart guy. See the second post down by FJCamper in this thread:

Yes, almost everything is cheap when it come to ACVW these days. It's what the community requires, ACVW people are cheaper than what's practical when it comes to their cars IMHO.