That is all.
In reply to paranoid_android74:
Last time I looked, this section was like 80 pages deep in threads that were just titled with some Asian characters and the name of an Australian university. It was pretty impressive.
I wish it was that easy. First I delete the member account then I have to delete posts. Took about 15 minutes from my phone to clean up, sorry for the delay this was my one morning to sleep in. How did the spammer know?
It was pretty impressive the quantity of spam. Way more than the Spam Spam Bacon and Spam platter we usually get for shoes and authentic documents.
On another forum I moderated on, one of the guys who worked on the forum software wrote a special "nuke" tool that did a one click "ban user and obliterate all posts" operation.
It worked pretty well to clean up the spam bots, but it's not like they stopped coming.
You'll need to log in to post.