7/18/10 8:11 p.m.
PIR (Portland International Raceway) hosted the K&N NASCAR West Series today. Pretty neat series that does mostly road courses (from what I could tell, the announcer was talking about races this season at Pacific/Seattle and Sonoma).
Got to see the ICSSC's Pro 3 series, they were like Spec E30's on steroids. HUGE field! The old guy's driving the rented NASCAR's for their only road race was absolute comedy gold. FOUR wide into the chicane! 
The main event was ruined by NASCAR officials WWF-ing the finish, luckily I was already on the road and listening on the radio. I did get a sweet souvenir though...

Yes, that's a full size NASCAR tire strapped into the passenger seat of the Miata. It wouldn't even fit in the trunk opening, let alone the trunk itself!
you need a CG-Lock on that, sir....
7/18/10 10:48 p.m.
You shoulda seen all the little kids in mommy's SUV-mobiles pointing and saying how cool it was. 
7/18/10 10:54 p.m.
Cool souvenir
. What's the dimensions on that baby?
7/19/10 1:27 a.m.
The sidewall says 27"x11"x15". It's taller than the 275/40/17's on the P71 and maybe the same width. It's also surprisingly light.
It's gonna take too many trips to build a whole car from leftovers at that rate 
Add glass plate top = coffee table!
Nice score. I've seen those made into some pretty neat air hose / garden hose / extension cord holders for the garage!
They also incubate mosquitos exceedingly well.
7/20/10 2:27 p.m.
my dad saw a lady ask to take home one of the big funny car slicks at a drag race in Ennis a few years ago. she said she wanted to put a pane of glass on top and use it as her coffee table. as he's telling this story to his buddy, they see the lady rolling the big slick across the parking lot to her car.
Lady says, "I figured you would probably give it to me since it's worn out...there's not tread on it anymore."
How many times have I heard that one from folks looking at race cars? "The tires are worn out!"
Johny Cash- One Piece at a Time
7/22/10 1:07 a.m.
I wish I had known this was going on! Not a NASCAR fan myself, but I've always wanted to go to a NASCAR race. Its even better that it wasn't on an oval haha