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lemachin New Reader
8/7/23 4:27 p.m.

Hey, thanks for the followup. I can offer a one-year update.

Found a secondhand replacement engine last August. Suppose I've put about 8,000km - mostly highway - on the BRZ since, but no HPDE or autocross. I  have acquired a baffle & oil pickup  - in addition to camber bolts, brake consumable upgrades etc I have left over from last year - but honestly the shine has worn off this car for me. Engine failure's always going to be in the back of my mind during hard driving, notwithstanding upgrades, and don't really see the point in putting up with its foibles just to daily it. So it's got a tentative for-sale listing and unless it totally blows me away in the near future I'll be on to the next car. Again. No regrets on trying out a BRZ, agree it's a great sports car when it's cooperating, and agree it was the right car for my needs. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Regarding the warranty situation - the provider wouldn't settle, the settlement adjudicator thought I had a decent case, so it's going to court. Maybe another year before I see any money back though. 

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