I’m in the middle of installing a new rocker panel on my 280Z. Before I weld the new panel in place what should I paint the new steel with? I already plan on using POR-15 on the rust I cleaned up on the car under the rocker but I find it never sticks well to new metal even when prepped and treated like the directions say. I was thinking about using some epoxy primer then covering it with undercoating? Any else I should use instead?
sriracha. I put that E36 M3 on everything.
Seriously though, I think the epoxy primer and undercoating should work fine.
Weld through primer, will turn to hot galvanizing wherever you burn it off welding. Top that in epoxy if you are really paranoid. Then oil the cavity when done.
POR15 wants a rough surface to attach to. I've had luck getting it to stick to clean surfaces by positively raping the new metal with 80+ grit.
With new surfaces, treat it with phosphoric acid. You know, like the instructions say 
If you can't get to it after welding to brush anything one, then hose 3M inner panel coating in through a small hole.
11/16/12 6:22 p.m.
Weld through primer is the right way to do it.
Don49 wrote:
Weld through primer is the right way to do it.
that is the best but man do they make you bend over when you buy it
11/16/12 9:08 p.m.
Not a fan of weld-through primer. If the zinc was good for your weld puddle, it would be included in the wire. I like to have 1" of clean metal around any wledment that I do.
Epoxy is your best bet. The green stuff with zinc chromate is the best for this application.