So I am really starting to like this stupid thing. Its fun to drive and so far I can bash it around pretty hard. So now this is happening. Full interior strip is done including the old spray in stuff. Full sound deadening and spray foam in every orifice I can get it in to stop the rattles. Rewiring the radio while I am in there as well. I have about 100sqf of killamat left in storage so that is going in on Friday and need some door panels after that hopefully not metal so they
So yeah its going to be nice place to be and I can still drive it to work every now and then. I also need to really seal up the holes in the front. Sand and dirt get in and it gets everywhere. Found out my seats have inflatable sides and bottoms so once I pumped them up it nice and soft as well.
Next plan is to finalize the tune, pull the transmission and fix the 2nd gear syncro and put a longer 4th in it so it can freeway cruise. Then find some 35 x 9 or 10.5s for clearance and to make even more stupid looking. Then think about what to do next. Does not need much more then that but VW's are fun to play with.
Also got my disk brake master cylinder tonight so that goes in as well tonight or Friday depending on my work schedule.

Any photos of the spray foam going in?
Any photos of the spray foam going in?
I have done it in the past for stereo installs. Its not so much a sound blocker like say dynomat more of.keeps things from rubbing and resonating like a drum and there is a lot of rubbing going on in this car. So likely it will only get sprayed in the doors at the bottom and the rear kick panels at the bottom where they rub and resonate the most and then into the roof rails up top where I have had good luck. You use the black high expansion canned foam for big gaps and only put ~40-50% what you think you need in. It really gets into the nooks and crannies. At 3-4$ a can its cheap and easy to do but if its a modern car or something where you may need to weld near it ever its not something I would suggest.

So 70sqf of killmat later and 4 cans of closed cell foam and an entire box of rivets later it's a bomb shelter. It's pretty air tight as well except for the front vents cut into the bulkhead to let air in pretty sure it would pressurize if I closed those up and slammed the doors. Need to put the seats in and bomb around but hitting it with a rubber hammer and rocking it back and forth has none of the old noises.
I also took the 68 carpet from the bug I cut up to make the 550 and put it in this one. I think ever single panel except the from double bulkhead is sound deadened. Added at least 75lbs to the car but who cares. Next is some foam for the roof to keep the heat out in the desert.
Did a bit more service.
Full injector cleaning, fresh oil, fresh plugs, looked for any and all vacuum leak areas to patch up. Brake flush one last time and has the ecu set to a "canned" e85 header tune with hptuners? Then set the bug up level on its stance and set the toe a bit better with some string. Also made the electric steering switchable on the dash so I can kill it on the freeway. Also got some grip tape for the pedals. No where near the power that it made with the turbo but still fun. Need to air down the tires again to get a bit more even tire wear but all and all really happy.
Tucked all the wires and hide everything else so it looks a lot more sano at the rear.
Little thing rips just need to make or buy a surfboard rack and find a way to get the front seat to lean back 5 degrees more to keep my back from getting hurt.

done with the motor wiring cleanup. Now just a few more lines to tuck with zip ties and I will be happy with it.
This thing is so cool. I has the envies.
as for door panels - maybe a simple sheet of hardboard from the hardware store cut to size and covered in vinyl? That's probably similar to what it would have had new. Easy to make and cheap. You can even add basic armrests with a little work.
I have aluminum door panels in it now so that is done. I had to rivet them in place though and put rubber behind all of the surface touch points to make it stop rattling.
turbo parts just got picked up by someone from Craiglist who showed up on time and with cash. Its a festivus miracle. I have now sold 1800$ worth of stuff off the car .
dropstep said:
mr2s2000elise said:
Beauty !
how you getting south of the border ?
I really need to go - but due to Covid restrictions hearing it's crazy getting back
Friend of mine went down and crewed for Baja and came back no issue. He was part of a big money team but other then our employer requiring him too quarantine for 14 days he said it was nothing special
If you can prove you're a US citizen the US cannot deny you reentry. Well, they "could" but they would be doing so illegally.
So been driving it a bit more. Looks like my vvt solenoids are bad. I can detect the signal activating them but even after a serious cleaning no dice with them moving. Hooked up to a 12v they don't click every single time. So new ones on order 26$ on amazon to be here on Monday. Woop.
Burned the last of the E85 out of the tank today and put in 91. The E85 station near the house is closed and not reopening. Not a lot available locally unfortunately. Good thing is the car will run on 91. It runs like crap but it runs and I can move it around. Going to be a while till I can find someone who can do the ECU tune for 91. I think I can find a map on HPtuners for the big injectors and 91 octane with the header but nobody wants to do a driveby and I cannot do it just bringing the ECU as nobody bench flashes around here. Looking online to see if I can find someone. My just bit the bullet and buy the software and dongle and do it myself if I can figure it out.
EDIT:. Found a guy in Midwest who can do a bench flash so its going out to him tomorrow. He has done a bunch of VW swaps so for 200$ and has a tune for the 80lb injectors I have so should be close enough.
Ecu being flashed tomorrow and sent back. Scheduled a test run with the Baja out at ocotillo on the 16th. Lots of people there to pull me out of trouble. Need to get a tool kit for the Baja that I can strap down and take with me. 90% of that car comes apart with a 10-22mm set so should not be to bad. Got a spare 33 to mount as well to drag with me. Now getting it to fit under the hood is going to take some work.
still don't have a trailer wide enough to pull it but I agreed to let it go up with a friend in his toybox as long as I haul the rest of the gear in the new wagon.
ECU is back from tune and it runs pretty well on pump gas with some fuel pressure tuning to get it perfect.
Next is to sell the 33x12.5's that are on the car and buy a used set of the 35x10's that they run on the Class 10 buggies to fix the last of the gearing.