While getting supper ready I looked out the window and it was all white. Snow, about an inch. No satelite TV. Snow and ice stuck to the dish. Just wasn't expecting it.
Good thing I put the Blizzaks on last week. Heading to far north VT in the morning.
11/9/18 6:40 p.m.
I was a bit chilly outside this morning in shorts and a tee shirt because it dropped down to just under 50F last night, but it got up into the low 70's a couple hours later. A nice fall day.
11/9/18 6:47 p.m.
We got snow today too. Enough to make the ground white. It will be gone tomorrow, but rarely does it snow before December.
I need to mow the lawn again. 
I was disappointed none of the snow today stuck too the road!
I missed a nice picture of white trees lining the river today. There will be more tomorrow, and I also need to mow the lawn one more time.
11/9/18 7:59 p.m.
I'm near Lake Placid, NY. Snowing, and no Satellite TV either. Thinking of AZ for the winter but I have a car that I'm building that I want to finish!
mazdeuce - Seth said:
I need to mow the lawn again. 
I probably should too, but it’s too cold & wet here.
11/9/18 8:41 p.m.
It's forecast to be 15 degrees (F) in the morning here in Oklahoma. I wrapped a car cover around my fig tree. It's rare to get that cold here. It's just like a brief moment to reminisce about my time at Ft Drum and Carthage, NY.

I should be out there working on the race car.
The good news is I have snow tires on the Mazda already and added a garage thermostat to the cabin set to 35 degrees.
Snowed in Minneapolis yesterday. It got down to 11 degrees last night.
We have already had multiple rounds of snow this year. Breckenridge is already open. Much earlier than normal. We are suppose to have another 3-6" tomorrow. Good thing my winter tires are already on their way.
I just drove from NC to NorCal. Only saw a dusting fall in western Wyoming. I'm here to work at a ski resort so I'm looking forward to some snowfall. I'm not going to worry about putting snows on yet.