This morning, I almost bit the back end of a delivery truck after the driver did an incredibly bone-head move. This is about the 4th close call with only 7300 miles on the odometer. After reading some reviews, I've learned I'm not the only one who thinks driving with the factory Dumb-laps is hazardous to both the new truck and my life. Wet braking is terrible to put it mildly. (After a quick search, I've also learned people have been complaining to Toyota about this.) So anyone have suggestions?
...and since I am looking at this as me spending my deductible now, I'm not opposed to new wheels either. Any suggestions for those also?
7/21/10 12:32 p.m.
Didn't know taco was anything other than a tasty food item. No help on your tire quandry, but now I know what I want for lunch.
7/21/10 12:54 p.m.
prerunner, or 4x4? if its a 4x4, look into something like the BFG rugged trail or AT. if its 2wd, or not going to see much other than snow/ice, i've always had michelin LTX M/S on trucks, which have been quite good. no matter how badly abused, they always went 50k with semi-regular rotations. almost never needed to be balanced either
Road use only? BFGoodridge G-force sports on something shiny for summer, blizzaks on the stock wheels for winter.
7/21/10 2:35 p.m.
Nothing to add other than the taco's I had for lunch were amazing.
7/21/10 5:44 p.m.
scardeal wrote:
[sarcasm]Thanks....I thought the OP was going to complain to Toyota about mexican food. [/sarcasm]
7/21/10 6:03 p.m.
I went through this last week with my 2005 Tacoma. I went with Yokohamas and I love them. I also upgraded to the optional size 265/70 16. They are much better than the Dunlaps.
Woody, what Yokohamas did you get?
The truck is just a 4cyl / 5spd / 2wd access cab - stripped down truck. I hadn't thought about the Blizzaks & summer tires - just because I have 4 extra sets of wheels for other cars (but I guess what's another set?
). I also thought with 7500 on tires, I could sell them to offset the cost.
Strizzo, someone else told me to get LTX's. If the truck was 4wd, without question I would just get BFG RAT T/A's. I went through 2 sets on my last Toyota truck and loved 'em. That was partly why I was shocked that I can lock up the Dunglops so quickly in the wet.
Hadn't thought of the Revo's. I'll check those out.
Even the girlfriend is was kind of like, "Yeah, I don't really feel comfortable riding in your truck when its raining"
Thanks All!
I'm always amazed people come into my shop asking for the OEM Dunlops again. I kinda wanna stop and say "Really?"
Michilen LTX M/S2's are the bees knees. Thats the new and improved version, I've seen them go 85-90K with proper maintence. Want something a little more agressive? LTX A/T's have more agressive treading, but still should remain nice and civil on the road. Both of those are top dollar picks.
Yokohama HTS's are a nice step down for highway, but I also really like Continental's CrossContactLX. And the BFG Long Trail T/A Tour. If a sightly more agressive tire in the next step down bracket is what you want I'm digging the Pirelli ATR's.
7/21/10 7:20 p.m.
I bought these:
YokohamaGeolandar H/T-S G051
I wanted something that was quiet on the highway. I have Blizzaks that I use for plowing in the Winter.
7/21/10 7:28 p.m.
I really, really liked the Bridgestone Dueler Revo A/T's I had on my Cherokee. They did everything well, from wet, to snow to light offroad, lasted a long time, and gave me no problems. The BFG A/Ts I have now aren't as good in the wet or dry and are only marginally better off road
I know multiple people who have said the Dueler Revo's or the LTX's.
Problem that I'm finding is in the aspect ratio - wee bit too tall.