This is actually formy riding mower but it is auto replaced a well.
The carb needs re building it is not all that bad some junk in the float bowl. I was thinking of soaking it in either MEK or Acetone. I could get a couple cans of gumout carb cleaner and empty them in to a container and use that.
I plan on then blowing everything out with compressed air after letting it soak.
What do you all use?
Enviro-friendly and comes w/ basket for dipping. Rinse parts w/ water after dipping. It lasts a long time so it's not one n done like sprays.
I used something like that back in the day when I did alot of carbs. Don't get it on your hands.
Lacquer thinner works well but you have to cover it tightly so it won't evaporate. It's hell on rubber, neoprene etc so make sure the only thing you drop in there is made of metal.
muriatic acid.. a little bit in a gallon of water will go a long ways. if you don't want to use that, then find some good drain cleaner that has hydrochloric acid in it and soak it in that for a little while. 10-15 minutes in that will leave you with a hunk of aluminum that looks brand new.. just make sure you rinse it thoroughly with water and blow out all passages.
fasted58 wrote:
Enviro-friendly and comes w/ basket for dipping. Rinse parts w/ water after dipping. It lasts a long time so it's not one n done like sprays.
This is what I've used. Give it most of a day or so, and your carb will be pretty darn clean.
Some of the motorcycle forums are saying boiling distilled water. The before and after shots are impressive
Get the rubber/plastic parts out and a paint can of kerosene. Or total disasembly and carb cleaner spray.
Pinesol. If I had power id put up pics. It does an amazing job.
I've heard good things RE: boiling simple green/water mix and putting the parts in. (on a BBQ or similiar)
5/2/11 7:08 a.m.
Soda blasting then some ample time in water to dissovle any left over soda. Look up DIY soda blaster and grab the Arm and Hammer.... 
I used to use the Berryman Chem-Dip gallon can, but they changed their formula and it kinda sucks now. I've still got an old can, and it smells TOTALLY different than the new stuff. The old stuff would turn ANY rubber or plastic into a yellow slime and everything came out looking brand new. I accidentally left an o-ring on a carburetor that got dipped in the new stuff and it still existed when I pulled it out, and the carb wasn't nearly as clean.
I've heard that boiling small carbs in a water/lemon juice mix works wonders, but I've yet to try it.
5/2/11 10:00 a.m.
16vCorey wrote:
I've heard that boiling small carbs in a water/lemon juice mix works wonders, but I've yet to try it.
Add some rum and you got yourself a little party.