I've got some plain steel wheels I'm going to mount some Hoosier TD's on for autocrossing and track use. It's not a big deal, but I'm undecided on what color to paint them. I'm leaning towards satin black or argent. Below are two pictures of the car, one with silver colored wheels and the other with wheels with black centers. What say you?

8/1/13 8:47 a.m.
I like the bottom picture, but I DO NOT LIKE all-black wheels. Please leave a silver lip on the steelies, even if it is imperfectly masked.
Body color steelies would look right on your car. My $.02.
In reply to hrdlydangerous:
I agree, although that will involve buying the paint and everything. I was hoping to do this kind of quick and dirty, with a rattle can. I do like the idea of body color though, so I'll keep thinking about it.
They sell Plasti-Dip at Pep Boys now. Try a color, and if you don't like it, try something different.
In reply to pinchvalve:
There aren't any Pep Boys in my area. I've looked for Plasti-Dip at local parts stores and have not been able to find it anywhere. How durable would it be on wheels, and how hard to remove, with all the crevasses and all?
I would paint the steelies two shades darker than the body color and push on some Baby Moons.
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to pinchvalve:
There aren't any Pep Boys in my area. I've looked for Plasti-Dip at local parts stores and have not been able to find it anywhere. How durable would it be on wheels, and how hard to remove, with all the crevasses and all?
I found Plasti-Dip at Lowes' in my area.
duplicolor wheel paint, either graphite or bronze?
or my go to for steelies is rustoleum satin black. easy to touch up.
8/1/13 9:44 a.m.
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to pinchvalve:
There aren't any Pep Boys in my area. I've looked for Plasti-Dip at local parts stores and have not been able to find it anywhere. How durable would it be on wheels, and how hard to remove, with all the crevasses and all?
Durable - yes. Even rallycross. Remove? Not sure, haven't tried.
What kind of steelies? Stock car wide 15's like Bassetts? If that, then black.

Well I was planning on just buying these, which come in primer:

But I could also buy these, which are already painted and are actually cheaper:

Or these, but they are out of stock until September:

Actual Bassetts, at least the ones Summit sells, don't have the correct back spacing for what I need.
8/1/13 10:05 a.m.
bravenrace I was eyeballing those first steelies this morning for my truck.
8/1/13 10:36 a.m.
I had a 65 Buick in a similar color. I painted the wheels with some flat gold spray paint I bought at wal mart. I'll see if I can rustle up a pic.
8/1/13 10:57 a.m.
bravenrace wrote:
Well I was planning on just buying these, which come in primer:
But I could also buy these, which are already painted and are actually cheaper:
I'm OK with the second ones that you posted there, despite being all black.
With the first ones, paint just the middle part black and leave the rest in the factory paint. Minimizes the masking, too.
In reply to Duke:
The first ones are actually primered, but I get your meaning.
Steel wheels are argent. There are no other options.
Not satin black, never never never. I can forgive gloss black on steelies, but not ever flat or satin.
Actualy I think gloss would be awesome.
rustoleum makes a color called oil rubbed bronze metallic. that might actually look pretty cool with the color of your car.

I like the Aero Aerobrites.
Purple or Pink chrome.
What do you guys think of these? Summit has them in stock (I live a mile from there, so that's where I buy pretty much everything.).

I'd vote black like the second picture. That Mustang looks great btw.
I think those would look good. You should go for something all-silver or all-black.