I recently picked up/was given a bent Formula Mazda wheel. It's a 13x11 aluminum BBS centerlock. The lip is scratched up, but it's otherwise cosmetically sound.
I'm thinking about making it into a table or something like that. Anyone have any other ideas of what to do with a wheel besides put it on a car?
They make good hose winders...
I'd go with the table idea. Just clean it up,add some little rubber stick-on bumpers to the lip and set a 16-18" diameter piece of glass on it. Or,send it to me and I'll see what I cando with it !
They make good floor lamp bases too.
Get a few more, weld them together and have yourself one leg of a salvage yard style car stand. Amass a small collection to get the other 3 legs to stand cars up on. I actually want to do this myself. I don't know why.
12/13/10 11:14 a.m.
a 13" table? Table for one? Eh - you guys can do better. A hose winder is a good idea. How about a unicycle?
Toyman01 wrote:
They make good floor lamp bases too.
I have some old steelies from my 535is that I was contemplating as a base for a bench grinder. I'm not sure there is enough weight though. Lamps are nice and light though - always good to have a plan B!
I made a clock out of an old Panasport. Cut it in half right behind the hub, milled out a square for a battery clock, Viola'. 
Table for the man cave.
How about adding a clock kit (oversize clock hands patterned after wrenches ?) of course a tire on it could change the deal real fast! How about a photo of said rim?
the clock could be fun, but how about using some wreanchs for the hands or a socket wrench would be cool.
I like the clock idea. I'll get a picture of it up later, I'm trying desperately to finish up my mechanical design final for the semester (obviously not doing too well at staying focused).