Daughter's 2011 Subaru Legacy keeps puking rear calipers. They seize up. I've liberally greased the sliders, but it seems like the pistons also seize in the bores. It's happened a few times. I'm tired of changing chewed up rotors.
Daughter's 2011 Subaru Legacy keeps puking rear calipers. They seize up. I've liberally greased the sliders, but it seems like the pistons also seize in the bores. It's happened a few times. I'm tired of changing chewed up rotors.
Have you confirmed the pistons are actually stuck? Could it be fluid pressure from the ABS pump or an internally swollen soft line?
Any time a caliper locks up like that the first place to look is the rubber hose. I would replace both rear before anything else.
Ah, never thought about the line! I'll check that out.
The last time it chewed up a rotor, I just replaced the caliper without checking it over. It definitely took considerable force to get the pads open, to remove the caliper, which points to restricted flow...
This time, I'm going on the basis of report from 715 point checklist while getting an oil change. Daughter did say her brakes were making noise... again...
It also just seems to be a thing with Subarus where they chew through brake parts. My Baja needed all 4 calipers when I bought it. Within 5000 miles one of them was dragging again, and it was the caliper, not the hose. A friend of mine's '17 Outback has had all the calipers replaced already. My sister's Forester and mother's Outback have also all have them replaced multiple times.
RealMiniNoMore said:Should I go with braided stainless lines, or just regular rubber?
Regular rubber. Braided stainless has to be longer to allow for less flexible lines and thus becomes a packaging PITA. It also tends to fail without visible or pedal-feelable warning, unlike rubber.
Worth looking at the hard lines too, there may be a kink or a dent along the way that could be causing constriction, etc.
Is it a manual? My Subaru's hill holder feature decided to get wonky and keep pressure applied to the passenger side rear caliper. I just disconnected it.
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