A couple weeks ago the Protege developed an insanity-inducing rattle in the shifter. Today I put the car up on ramps and jackstands to take a look. This is what I found:

And of course I have no nuts this size in my parts stash. Off to the hardware store.
Metric. Bet they don't have it!
Q:What is wrong...?
A: The hot link?
In reply to NOHOME:
You must have some really bad HW stores, last time I needed weird metric nuts and they didn't have any the man called the competition across town and sent me there.
6/9/13 3:23 p.m.
We have a little local shop called Home Depot that has a pretty good selection of metric hardware.
Home Depot had the nut. The good news is this potentially dangerous problem has been corrected. The bad news is the horrible rattle is still present, which means it's something inside the pivot assembly. That'll have to wait for another day.
My local ACE hardware store has a huge isle with all the bins in them with every concevable fastener washer bushing, clip and more stuff that I dont even know what it is.
That's why I love Fastenal. Also they deliver..,