So I went to check out a Dodge SX 2.0 today (Neon in America). Cosmetically and fundamentally, it was pretty solid. No leaks, no rust, good suspension and steering. There are, however, a few issues. Firstly, its oil pump is on the way out. Secondly, it fuel starves up steep hills. It needs a new coil, and there is noticeable amounts of gear whine. The car is listed for $2250, and the parts cost $450 or so. Should I shoot the guy an offer for $1800 and see what happens? It only has 70,000 miles of commuting on it.
12/14/15 8:29 p.m.
You can walk now and have $1800 in your wallet, or walk later when the car leaves you stuck on the side of the road. The only advantage will be you wont have all that cash in your wallet, so walking should be easier.
Sounds like a lot of issues for a car with that low of miles to me.
T.J. wrote:
You can walk now and have $1800 in your wallet, or walk later when the car leaves you stuck on the side of the road. The only advantage will be you wont have all that cash in your wallet, so walking should be easier.
Sounds like a lot of issues for a car with that low of miles to me.
This is very true. However, I can't get anything better than it for the money because of the limited market where I live for a manual anything. Even if I spent $500 more, I'd still end up with a car in similar condition. So basically I'm stuck either with this car, or with paying $500 more later on for a similar condition car.
12/14/15 8:34 p.m.
Gear whine? Oil pump on the way out?
I've a feeling that the odometer may have 70k but the rest of the car doesn't. Or those were very hard miles.
Or maybe, is it an imperial cluster or are you converting from kilometers? Maybe it's not 120k kms, but 1120k! 
For 1800 I'd fly and drive for something better, like a manual Volvo 240 from the Raleigh NC area
don't walk away...RUN! Sounds like its needs and engine and trans very soon. Sometimes it's better to buy a clean automatic car and do a trans swap.
You're about to over bid son. Stop while you're ahead.
12/14/15 8:37 p.m.
I would not limit myself to a manual transmission if this car is needed for your basic transportation. Get something you can afford and that will be reliable. Fun, looks, sportiness, etc. should not really factor in to the buying decision so much if this is your only mode of transportation. How about a truck?
T.J. wrote:
I would not limit myself to a manual transmission if this car is needed for your basic transportation. Get something you can afford and that will be reliable. Fun, looks, sportiness, etc. should not really factor in to the buying decision so much if this is your only mode of transportation. How about a truck?
I would love a small truck, but I need something with decent gas mileage. It doesn't help that trucks command stupid amounts of money where I live 
Some people buy used car's, some people buy used up car's. That one sounds used up.
BTW: Oil pump on the way out translate to engine replacement, keep looking.
Paul B
Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll run like my life depended on it.
12/14/15 11:40 p.m.
Yeah, listed at $2250 I'd say it's about $2500 too high.
That much money ought to buy one hell of a nice Saturn S-series.
Hmmm, 70,000 miles of daily commuting, my a$$...
You could fly & drive my $1200 neon here in TN for cheaper than that, even with the exchange rates.
An oil pump is two permanently submerged gears in a case. If it's worn out, what else won't be?
I'd fly to Dallas, buy a car, drive it home, and take the road trip money out of your budget.
Plenty of good rust free cars in Oregon. Buy a bus ticket.
Seems more likely the oil pressure sender is bad? Still seems way overpriced though.
agreed with everyone.
if your market is limited, spend a weekend travelling somewhere and drive one home.
I've gone over 750 miles away for sub $2500 cars to get something rust free/manual/exactly what I wanted. Still cheaper than the eventual problems you'd face buying local/rusted/worn out.
It's a big world out there. Don't limit your view.
There's no good reason to be looking at one of those cars, especially at that price.
G_Body_Man wrote:
I would love a small truck, but I need something with decent gas mileage. It doesn't help that trucks command stupid amounts of money where I live
Yes, trucks are expensive here. WAY over-priced. Want to make some money? Bring trucks up from Vancouver and flip them here. Especially Toyotas. People pay stupid money for those here.
Having driven a Nissan Hardbody for years (if you're around UBC-O and see a slammed dark blue one with a canopy and 4wd fenders, that used to be mine - sold it to a student), the fuel economy isn't all that much better than a full size late 90's Chevy.
And with the Chevy, parts are hella cheap, plentiful, and it actually has power and hauling capacity.
I usually rely on these signs:

12/15/15 11:48 a.m.
If you're within a 2-hour drive of a regional airport, I strongly urge you to consider a fly-n-drive as others have suggested. In 1999, I flew from Philadelphia to Atlanta (twice!) to buy a 4-year-old '95 Neon because it was exactly the car I wanted. It was worth every minute / $.
Flying within Canada is obscenely expensive, and I'm not prepared to do a 10 hour round trip to look at Neons. One just came up in Vernon, and a 2 hour round trip is more justifiable. Failing that, I'll be playing the waiting game.