6/19/18 11:34 a.m.
Bone stock 02 wrx. Radiator puked this morning where the tank meets the core. What radiator do i want? The $53 aluminum/plastic stock type replacement or the $100 all aluminum ebay special “racing” one? I gather the latter probably won’t directly “bolt in” because china? I just don’t want to be stranded. Luckily it happened in my parents driveway and it didn’t get too hot before I realized it and shut it down. I can wait for one to be shipped as it’s not my primary vehicle.
Budget is a concern but I don’t want to be cheap just to be cheap and have to fix it again
also was the cap location a mid year change or something? Some show on radiator some not, my cap is on coolant tank on top of engine.
Genuine Subaru works better than the aftermarket ones, from what my Subaru friends were telling me. Very efficient cores.
If you have a GD you should have two caps, one on the radiator and one on the tank whose name escapes me at the moment. They have different pressure ratings!
I replaced the one in the wife's Forester XT that had the same type failure in with a plastic one since it was local and could get it the same day. Several years and 50k+ before I sold the car with no further failures. Your results may vary.
6/19/18 3:21 p.m.
Early GD's only have one cap - the one on the Coolant Expansion tank, but I think any replacement will have a cap on the radiator itself.
When mine went, I picked up another with the plastic tank ends. The first one lasted 12 years, so I figured the next one would probably outlive the car.
They had a plastic tank oem style one without the cap so I ordered that as well as new hoses and clamps because my originals are rusty. I figured it’s pretty stupid to not change out the hoses since the car is 16 years old with 242,000 miles. Right about $95 for everything and will need to buy coolant because i’m out of everything but Caterpillar branded dexcool. Anyone need some caterpillar branded dexcool?