1/13/18 1:40 p.m.
Having weird intermittent issues with my 05 ody. Sometimes the doors will not fully shut. They slide all the way closed, and pull in, but never get that last click. They wait about 5 seconds, and then you hear the motor release the cable. If you put the van in drive or reverse, it will beep at you like the door is open. 10 minutes later, the door might open and shut fine. Happens on and off, both doors, one can be working while the other doesn't, etc. Also, the driver's window is equally bad. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. It's not moving slow (although it does come up slow on the coldest days), it's just like it's not getting any power. Then 5 minutes later, it works like a charm.
Do I have a ground loose somewhere? Or maybe a body control module on the fritz? What say you?
My guess: micro switch issues.
1/14/18 10:33 a.m.
Try some silicone spray on the sliding/guide rails. It can’t hurt.
1/14/18 11:26 a.m.
I greased it up A bit yesterday, we will see. It really feels like a signal/control issue, but I really don't have much experience troubleshooting stuff like this.
It is sensing binding, or interference. Pull and clean all electrics. And really clean the tracks before lubing.
1/14/18 12:45 p.m.
I think they use brushless motors which means they can't really be rebuilt, but I do recall they get weak over the years.
I would try a comprehensive cleaning and lubing first (tracks and latch)
1/14/18 1:36 p.m.
Is the "Sliding door" light lit? If so, I can point you to how you can read BCM codes. I also have a full FSM for the '05s.
I've seen the wiring harnesses fail a bunch of times, too.
1/20/18 7:51 p.m.
Well, problem solved. I think.
I didn't have any lights or error codes (well, the door wasn't completely shut, so the dash showed the door open, and the dome light was on while driving).
I found a YouTube video of someone taking the latch mechanism out and lubing it up. He had a similar issue to me. Turns out there is a pin that locks the latch closed when the latch motor turns past a certain point. But that pin can gunk up causing it not to lock down. Therefore the latch motor pulls the door tight, but nothing locks, and after a few seconds the latch motor releases.
Simply lubing it up and working it by hand has solved the problem. Unfortunately you need to diasassemble the door to do it. And also explains the intermittent nature of the error. I went ahead and opened both doors and lubed both latch pins. Seems to work great now.
At least the fix was cheap!
1/20/18 8:27 p.m.
Took me a while to find the video again but this is it. It was my problem and solution exactly.