I could use a car for the Internet Hot Rod of the Month bit in GRM. Want to see your car in the mag? Here's how to play:
Is your car featured in our Readers' Ride section? Good.
Can you e-mail a nice, clear, attractive, high-resolution photo to me--one without distracting junk in the shot and one that you took? Great.
Can you tell me a bit about the car? Even better.
Finally, can you tell me your full name? We have a winner!
Contact me via PM.
8/21/14 6:21 p.m.
Too bad dirtbag is down for the count right now...
8/21/14 6:23 p.m.
How bad do you want more hate mail?
8/21/14 6:52 p.m.
Can it be a yard bound boat? and I vote cover spread on Wallys car.
Lots of chatter. So far no submissions.
Maybe after my new front end is on.
Check your emails David. Submitted the 911. I love the 911. And I bought it from another board member and have a long thread about living with it. And it's red. Everyone loves red.
Is a motor required?
If no, what about wheels?
Still don't have a winner….
I emailed a submission for my Datsun. Thanks for the opportunity!
In reply to David S. Wallens:
As cool as having my car featured might be, I still yearn to be featured in Say What. It's the first thing I read when the new issue comes.
8/22/14 9:25 a.m.
my car needs to be in the "look wtf the nutjobs on our forums are building this time" section.
patgizz wrote:
my car needs to be in the "look wtf the nutjobs on our forums are building this time" section.
I agree that this should be a section...
Maybe "What can you build with a __ and a _____".
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Does it have to run?
This. I have one that kinda runs, and one that is in pieces. 
Slotcars count...? It's all I have good right now...
8/22/14 10:57 a.m.
Is the pic having been taken by you an absolute must, or is it OK if you get permission/rights from the photographer? I'm adding a few more grm stickers to my car for this weekends rallyx in hopes of getting a good one taken to send your way.
I'm working on updating my car in Reader's Rides, it seems that the new description shows up in the Reader's Rides listing, but when I click on my car, it reverts to the old description. Am I doing it wrong?
Updated my reader's rides and sent you a PM with some links to pics. Let me know if you get them. If not, I'll resend later once I have access to email.
8/22/14 1:34 p.m.
Dudes. I got the Manic Miata in the mag last year just by being the first one to follow instructions. Go for it.
PM Sent David. Lets make it happen cap'n. LOL
PM sent, hopefully it goes through.