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M030 Dork
1/12/17 12:53 a.m.

Yesterday one of my students asked me a question that my wife also asked..in the moment, I had no good answer, but now, after really giving it some thought, I can reasonably explain why I want to keep, permanently, both my 1997 Porsche Boxster and my 1994 Chevy Camaro. The Boxster, from the way the Recaro Pole Position seats grab me to the subliminal steering feel, is a tactile experience, and it will only get more tactile as it gets a flocked dashboard (F40 style), a suede steering wheel and more Chassis stiffening. The Camaro, however, is going to be my numbers car. It's going to be less about tactile delight and more about measuring just how much faster I can hurl the thing around Lime Rock's autocross track over time. If that answer doesn't cut it, I'm reverting to, i am keeping both because I'm a grown man with two full time jobs and i want to have them both. Period.

mr2peak Dork
1/12/17 3:07 a.m.

The last answer is the only sensible one

84FSP Dork
1/12/17 6:19 a.m.

Consider yourself enabled. He who dies with the most toys wins.

NordicSaab HalfDork
1/12/17 6:21 a.m.

I like this logic.

I currently have 3 vehicles my wife knows about... and one she doesn't. #BecauseImAGrownMan

Ian F
Ian F MegaDork
1/12/17 6:27 a.m.

In reply to M030:

Sounds logical to me. The Boxster is the street car, the Camaro is the race/track car. The former you'd rather not risk balling up on the track.

I get the same question all the time: Why do you have a Spitfire and a GT6? Well, it's sort of the nature of owning a British car - you want at least two so the chances of one of the damn things being operational at a given time is increased.

M030 Dork
1/12/17 7:57 a.m.
Ian F wrote: In reply to M030: Sounds logical to me. The Boxster is the street car, the Camaro is the race/track car. The former you'd rather not risk balling up on the track. I get the same question all the time: Why do you have a Spitfire and a GT6? Well, it's sort of the nature of owning a British car - you want at least two so the chances of one of the damn things being operational at a given time is increased.

In reply to Ian F:

There's the rub. I actually do track the Boxster, and as much as I possibly can. So, I'm reverting to my logic that i am keeping both because I'm a grown man with two full time jobs and i want to have them both. Period.

Ian F
Ian F MegaDork
1/12/17 8:35 a.m.

In reply to M030:

That works too. I generally use the same argument to justify my two dozen (I think; give or take) guitars and half-dozen (rather expensive) bicycles.

patgizz UltimaDork
1/12/17 8:47 a.m.

I'm keeping them because i have a list of vehicles, when acquired if good condition, are considered part of the ultimate collection that I've always wanted. And i'm a grown ass man so nobody needs to question my car purchases except my wife, and she rarely does more than a "why did we need a rusty 99 silverado?" Answer: "engine for your racecar". Done.

I want a skyline, bah gawd I'm going to get a skyline when I've saved up the cash. Same with always wanted an impala ss ever since the 92 concept car. So i got one of those.

NOHOME PowerDork
1/12/17 8:50 a.m.

The answer is "Because you can"

dropstep Dork
1/12/17 9:19 a.m.

At one point i had 13 vehicles, I use your last answer. Its almost as useful as people asking me why i store my car in the winter.

Duke MegaDork
1/12/17 9:47 a.m.

Different cars, different experiences. I bet you own more than 1 pair of each type of shoe, too.

drdisque HalfDork
1/12/17 9:55 a.m.

You can also justify the 1994 Camaro by saying that it's a collector car now.

mtn MegaDork
1/12/17 9:57 a.m.

My grandpas old stand-by: It is not illegal, immoral, and I can afford it.

Kreb UltraDork
1/12/17 9:58 a.m.
84FSP wrote: He who dies with the most toys wins.

Who coined this phrase? I'd much rather have one toy that I found great joy in than a hundred toys lined up and gathering dust.

Lof8 HalfDork
1/12/17 10:03 a.m.
Kreb wrote:
84FSP wrote: He who dies with the most toys wins.
Who coined this phrase? I'd much rather have one toy that I found great joy in than a hundred toys lined up and gathering dust.

First time I saw it was on a No Fear t-shirt in the early 90s.

Kreb UltraDork
1/12/17 10:09 a.m.

He who dies with the most toys tastes just the same to the worms as the next guy.,

dinger Reader
1/12/17 1:36 p.m.

Why have both? Because I don't have room in the garage for a third!

sesto elemento
sesto elemento SuperDork
1/12/17 4:30 p.m.

How many outfits do you own? You dont wear a suit to the beach, and you don't wear swim trunks to dinner. I'm a firm believer in having the right tool for the job. To be as versatile as possible, you're going to need a lot of tools. Sensible.

dean1484 MegaDork
1/12/17 4:42 p.m.

My response to a question like that is why not have both? Owning just one is boring.

snailmont5oh Reader
1/12/17 4:52 p.m.
Lof8 wrote:
Kreb wrote:
84FSP wrote: He who dies with the most toys wins.
Who coined this phrase? I'd much rather have one toy that I found great joy in than a hundred toys lined up and gathering dust.
First time I saw it was on a No Fear t-shirt in the early 90s.

The No Fear t-shirt (that I still have packed away somewhere) actually says, "He who dies with the most toys still dies," although "still dies" is in very small print.

mazdeuce UltimaDork
1/12/17 5:02 p.m.

I like cars. I think that's enough justification.

wspohn HalfDork
1/12/17 5:45 p.m.

I am down to only 2 utility cars (Dodge minivan and wife's Mazda 3) and 7 'fun' cars so you can use me as a bad example and say "See, I'm nowhere near as bad at that guy is!"

Kreb UltraDork
1/12/17 6:11 p.m.

Don't get me wrong. I favor excess. I just prefer to stop short of the wretched variety.

Toebra Reader
1/12/17 6:13 p.m.
NOHOME wrote: The answer is "Because you can"


"Have enough space to keep them both" is also a valid response

ebonyandivory UltraDork
1/12/17 6:27 p.m.

The only opinion that matters is your own.

Disclaimer: as long as no one else is legitimately negatively affected (hurt feelings don't count)

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