9/16/13 5:41 a.m.
CLynn85 wrote:
I would tend to agree, but substitute BMW with KLR riders. There are a couple BMW GS guys at work that would always give me crap about riding a KLR and bragging on their "Ultimate Adventure Machines" and then lecture me on not being ATGATT (mind you I was wearing armored jacket, gloves, helmet, but *only* jeans, and work boots at the time....). This only to have the same aforementioned Power Ranger cut me off while I was driving my wife's car one day and then slam on the brakes for no apparent reason.
Couple points: First, there is no group of motorcyclists closer to the GRM philosophy of "something from nothing" as the KLR crowd.
Having been one of them, when you talk about how best to attach a milk crate for luggage or the best bedliner paint to use, you know you've found real motorcyclists.
I've also found the BMW snobbery to be very real when the helmets come off, though much like Ferrari or Porsche owners, there are a smaller core group that are serious and very smart riders. They are usually the ones who rarely open their mouths, but when they do engage in conversation, they regale you with tales of trips taken and useful riding tips.
Someone earlier mentioned how the H-D crowd ruins it for all riders, and there is truth to that. I've read many stories on ADV about a guy climbing on his BMW/KLR/V-strom to fire it up, and a small child nearby will cover their ears in anticipation of horrible noise, and parents rush the children away from the threatening motorcyclist. I've seen folks look at my V-Strom as I go by with shock or surprise, because they didn't hear it coming.
9/16/13 9:10 a.m.
ddavidv wrote:
Someone earlier mentioned how the H-D crowd ruins it for all riders, and there is truth to that. I've read many stories on ADV about a guy climbing on his BMW/KLR/V-strom to fire it up, and a small child nearby will cover their ears in anticipation of horrible noise, and parents rush the children away from the threatening motorcyclist. I've seen folks look at my V-Strom as I go by with shock or surprise, because they didn't hear it coming.
lol that's kind of funny/sad. I've been riding 28 years and have never seen this...not once and I have a lot of miles under my belt.
ddavidv wrote:
I've also found the BMW snobbery to be very real when the helmets come off,
I'm not sure it's snobbery - most of the guys who I know personally that ride BMWs are older, experienced riders that log a lot of miles every year in all kinds of weather. It might just be that they don't want to bother talking motorcycles with people in costumes who have 900 miles on the odo parked in front of a bar. Oh... wait... that is kinda the definition of snobbery, isn't it? 
Still, I bet most of them would gladly swap stories with a guy on a muddy KLR.
I am a little biased though... as soon as I manage to scrape up enough spare coin I'm shopping for an 03-04 R1150GS with big metal waterproof cans for luggage. I want a bike I can load up and ride across the country (highway, gravel, dirt, all of it) even if I can never find the time to really go very far.
9/16/13 11:30 a.m.
Feedyurhed wrote:
One of my pet peeves applies to all makes/riders of bikes. Having a radio blasting so loud you can hear it over the sound of the bike when riding. Seriously, do you need to listen to a radio when riding a bike?
That's especially lulz-worthy whan it's a typical Harley denim-and-leather pirate blatting by with Journey blasting. Heard that over the weekend and almost fell over laughing at the guy.
Oh, and on another note: If you gave me a free Harley, I'd own it just long enough to sell it to the highest bidder. Then I'd go looking for a good used Buell.
love hate relationship with motorcycle drivers.... try to give them room... but 7 of 10 are just dumb/dense/thick
have similar relationships with Subaru drivers... and most pick up drivers.... although with the pick up drivers it seems that the ratio is a bit higher... closer to 95%
I'm really late to this party, but i'll say something anyway.
Its all in the rider. Though I ride a Harley, I don't care what I ride with. We're all into it for the same reason which is the love of motorcycles and riding.
I live in the Daytona Beach area. During spring break I get to witness the morons on sport bikes riding in flip flops and swimming trunks hitting their rev limiters next to packs of girls. Then during the two bike rallies we have each year I have the pleasure of fighting my way through a sea of leather and Harley's going 15mph or more under the speed limit. Among these are sensible riders of course. Said morons tend to stand out more though!
9/16/13 1:11 p.m.
Cotton wrote:
ddavidv wrote:
Someone earlier mentioned how the H-D crowd ruins it for all riders, and there is truth to that. I've read many stories on ADV about a guy climbing on his BMW/KLR/V-strom to fire it up, and a small child nearby will cover their ears in anticipation of horrible noise, and parents rush the children away from the threatening motorcyclist. I've seen folks look at my V-Strom as I go by with shock or surprise, because they didn't hear it coming.
lol that's kind of funny/sad. I've been riding 28 years and have never seen this...not once and I have a lot of miles under my belt.
This weekend we were getting out of the car and a "motorcycle" was in the spot next to us. The rider was getting on the bike and my 3 year old cowered over to my leg and covered her ears saying noisy bike and was nearly in tears. I explained to her that that 125cc 4 stroke scooter was not going to be loud but that Harley roar has ruined motorcycles for her right now. She thinks they are all going to be loud like that.
9/16/13 1:53 p.m.
In reply to Duke:
I'd plunk the harley's selling price down on a new MV agusta.....then I could tell everyone to GFY.