Seriously. Inside the taillight bulb connectors on my wife's car, there's this yellowish grease I've never seen on any other car/electrical device ever before. I don't know who thought that would be a good idea, because it's only getting between the contacts of the bulb and the socket and making the bulb not illuminate intermittently. Clean contacts are the best way for an electrical circuit to function.
What is that stuff?
I've seen this on quite a few cars....
dialectric grease, keeps corrosion/water out, sparky goodness in
Timeormoney wrote:
dialectric grease, keeps corrosion/water out, sparky goodness in
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
Diaelectric Grease: The holy ointment for German electronics.
Same for my Volvo. Its on EVERYTHING. I never had a car that came with it, but i use it profusely. Worked good on the wide-open contacts on my old MGB
10/20/11 6:07 p.m.
I put it on all my stuff. Even my junk.
10/20/11 6:07 p.m.
Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me.
I wouldn't put it on my junk
Must be the same type of grease you use on your brake pads. 
I put it on junk in my trunk.
it used to be in every car... then some car makers thought, "Hey, we can save $xxx by not putting it in. Then we will make more money on each car we build."
yesyes.. I use dielectric grease for everything but my hootis
neckromacr wrote:
I put it on junk in my trunk.
Quit being so provacative, I can hardly stand it.
It is right up there with Anti Seize for me, I use the crap out of it.