From time to time, I have dreams that are about cars.
(big surprise!!!!)
Sometimes i dream about supercars or rust-free 356 Porsche barn finds, but mostly I dream about cars I used to own. That's cool - keeps me connected to cars I once owned.
Mostly I dream about my '73 VW Bus - Mom and Dad bought it new and passed it on to me in 1979, and I only had it for two or three years, before trading it on for something else.
I often have dreams that I found it somewhere, dusty in a garage. Sometimes it is other cars I owned, a Spitfire, Volvo, or MG - but mostly it is the VW bus.
I'm shocked and thrilled that it is still mine. I start it up and drive it. It makes me happy.
What car dreams do you have?
7/11/09 6:21 p.m.
Good lord man!...a '73 bus?! My parents bought a '73 bus new and it wasn't a was a nightmare. Maybe it was just a lemon. I've owned several VW products since then (hell, I own 3 now), but it was by far the most troublesome new vehicle they (or I) have ever purchased.
The only good thing that came from it is that after only a little over a year of misery, my father traded it for a piece of property that he ended up selling for twice what they paid for the bus. 
BTW I dream about cars that I have owned in the past, too...quite frequently.
I dream about turning my rusty, clapped out 9C1 into the worlds fastest cop car. Full tilt chassis and suspension. Lots of one off carbon fiber. Coil overs. Brembos. LS9 with a 6 speed. Mmmmmmh.
Or just a Plymouth P-15 fastback.
Which ever comes first.
My best friends Dad always bought new VW buses (busses?) every few years for his Mom. They seemed ungodly dorky at the time but in retrospect they were pretty cool. Man those were the days when vehicles were all so different. Not like now when they have all morphed into basically one look.
The look? Now its the appearance of a blob of modeling clay that was dropped. Or, if you're lucky, someone took a carving knife to said blob, and sliced a few pieces out of the sides. You know, to give it character.
the last car dream I had, my Infiniti G20 was up on blocks in the front yard and was painted burgundy, not the stock pearl white, and the Rear Wheels had been stolen. This was terrible, cuz I was late getting down to the radio station to pick up the Def Leppard tix I had just won. Im not kidding, that was about a week ago 
I was under a lot of stress that day
Typically when I dream about cars, I am racing wheel to wheel (never done it before,I think I need to start
) in something 80s and boxy. I wanna say E30, but I never get a real good look at whatever it is Im in. Its probably less an 89 maxima or something.
Occasionally I dream I just got a rough but solid AE86 Corolla and its in my (imaginary)shop w/lift and my huge (imaginary)snap on tool box is full of sparkly new (imaginary) tools.
I really hate waking up
I've had this dream a few times in the last 5 years...
I'm inside looking out a window and I see my car (once an 05 STI, now 07 WRX Ltd.). Both cars were stripped down to a shell. Everything gone, engine, seats, dash... complete drivetrain and interior, gone. As I'm completely freaking out and thinking about all the phone fighting I'm going to have to do with the insurance company I get a glimpse of a car speeding away. A chase ensues that have ranged from me running after the car on foot to me getting into a high speed chase and throwing down with 2 masked individuals. I never get my car back and I always wake up jacked up and worn out.
New Reader
7/12/09 9:50 a.m.
I've dreamt about driving road america a few times (after doing the skip barber class) and a couple of times about doing wheelies on my triumph daytona (never done a monster wheelie on it).
also had a dream I built an igloo out of government cheese.
I had one the other day and for some reason I remember it vividly and what struck me was that it was in color.
It was the morphing of three cars Basically it was a FC body with a 951 front clip and the rear hatch/end of a 67 mach 1 excpt that the rear had been scaled to match the size/proportions of the rest of the car. The car was in gold (same as my old FC) The car looked really cool I would love to try to put one together some time. The car/dream was basically in the format of a commercial. Looking at the car from various angles and it driving by and or turning up a paved country road. Basically a compilation of several cars that I really liked for various reasons.
oldtin wrote:
also had a dream I built an igloo out of government cheese.
Thats twisted help
just kidding...or am I