For the most part, that was just a craftsman doing his job well. Most everything he did was following standard industry practices. Too many hours to make it financially viable here.
That car would be structurally fine. Trying to find and make work all the right heater parts might be tougher.
I haven't seen anybody use a slapfile outside a hot rod shop for a long time. The roof panel would have been replaced with new here.
4/2/17 9:13 a.m.
759NRNG wrote:
So what would be the paper trail on this, here in the ol' USA.....salvage...uh... Well after all that effort, I for one would not bat an eye on this ride. His command of the autoskeletal stretcher is phenomenal. To those who are skeptical of the shell integrity...look at what NoHome as done with the 'P1800ESkinda'...I rest my case, your witness
I too dont see the economic viability of doing this kind of salvage, but then again, I don't know anything about what such cars are worth in the local market, and what labor rates are for doing such work. Lord knows enough stolen vehicles go to eastern Europe, so perhaps they are the source of spare parts and this is how they are washed into the economy.
Stick around...the next project that I am loading into the pipeline is a 67 Mustang GT on the same scale as the Molvo and this crazy Russian dude.. GTs must be worth something because so far the roof is about all that I plan on keeping.
Thank god for CJ ponyparts and Dynacorn sheet-metal.This will be the first ( of many) piece ordered.

In reply to NOHOME: yea!!!!.......Project Stangy ?? 
I like that that front right corner is from a different model of slightly less crashed car - no matter, just move the metal to make it work.
He's also MUCH more comfortable around that pulling apparatus than I would be - there's a lot of potential energy stored in that chain as he's working it!
in reply to StreetWiseGuy: this individual's automotive restorative skills are to be appreciated regardless of the time vs effort = $$$$....y'all just witness the execution for if nothing else...the shear power of his determination to make it CORRECT....late
759NRNG wrote:
in reply to StreetWiseGuy: this individual's automotive restorative skills are to be appreciated regardless of the time vs effort = $$$$....y'all just witness the execution for if nothing else...the shear power of his determination to make it CORRECT....late
Oh, believe me, I'm not dismissing his skills, quite the opposite. I was more addressing the people here who didn't seem to think that was an acceptable operation, and the fact that it really doesn't happen that much here because of the cost.