Zoom-Fest '09, July 18-19th, Road Atlanta
We are happy to announce a number of great things were finalized over the last week.
First, We would like to welcome a few new sponsors for the event.
[*]Great American Sign Company has again signed up for this year and will be responsible for another superb quality event T-Shirt. Anyone who has one of last years shirt will tell you - They are top notch. http://www.greatamericansignco.com/
[*]Grassroots Motorsports Magazine has joined us this year. Along with product for the raffle there will be an add run in the next issue as well as an event article in the following issue. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com
[*]RotaryCarClub.Com has signed up this year as the "rotary forum" sponsor. I have known one of the owners for a number of years now. We are proud they have embraced the event and together we can build awareness on the East Coast for Mazda and Mazda powered vehicles as well as American road racing and AutoX.
[*]Re-Speed.com will of course be very active this year. Re-Speed plans to introduce a bunch of brand new items for the old school rotaries at the event.
[*]We have been working with a number of other potential sponsors that have responded to our inquiries. Once they finalize their involvement we will announce them as well.
Second, through diligent efforts form the Zoom-Fest promoters the "Time Attack" style AutoX is 100% a go. We have secured the "skid pad" area of the Road Atlanta facility and the Atlanta Region SCCA will operate the event for us. This is a Zoom-Fest exclusive event. It has been setup for novices through pros and stock cars though full blown race. There will be awards for "FTD" in at least 4 classes. This is a huge deal for this years event!
Last but not least, registration is open!
You can sign up for the event here -> http://www.mazdameets.com
You can also find the answers to all you questions in the FAQ -> http://www.mazdameets.com