bad update time: got about half way to work (~5 minute ride) and bike sputtered to a stop and died, would only barely idle on full choke, look down at the fuel filter and it is nasty, here is the aftermath:
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dirty nasty rusty fuel filter
dont remember if i had already mentioned it in this thread but i had cleaned the tank previously by filling it with straight vinegar for about a week, it cleaned a lot of it but apparently not all of it.
so im thinking about trying those tank coating they make for the inside of the tank to cover all the crap. does anyone have any experience using this stuff and any suggestions on what brand? obviously trying to keep it on the cheap side 
3/25/15 2:47 p.m.
I used the POR 15 motorcycle tank coating kit with good luck several years ago.
got a new filter put on and ran like a champ again. got it back home (3 minute ride) and i could already see crap starting to get into the new filter. so going to get the tank cleaned out really well and i ended up getting red-kote from oriellys, i had seen several reviews and people seemed to like it. I will get it coated this weekend and get it ready for the start of next week, ill keep an update on how the coating goes
3/26/15 9:30 a.m.
Clean it out using a solvent and a box of BBs. Make sure it's shaken, not stirred. 
3/26/15 10:21 a.m.
No red-coat if you don't want to re-do it. You need to clean the tank to the point its medically clean before you coat it. At that point if you don't have pin holes you don't need to coat it. If you decide you want to coat use Caswell's as NOTHING will eat it once its cured, Not MEK not 100% alky, not nitro meth.... 95% of other sealers have a solvent to remove them once they fail...
3/26/15 10:24 a.m.
A box of 1/4" Star lock washers, a qt of MEK and shake the crap out of the tank. repeat until clear. If rust use 1 gallon of evap-o-rust and let sit overnight rolling the tank every morning to another side. Then a water rinse then a MEK rinse let dry.
well got the tank cleaned out and coated. it was a real easy process. after the thorough cleaning i taped of the petcock hole and poured in about a 1/2 quart ( half the can). once it was in i taped off the fill hole and started slowly rolling the tank around in every direction over and over for about 15 minutes. at that point the tape on the fill hole got a small leak ( i used electrical tape because i was to lazy to go out to get duct tape, i would suggest duct tape though) and i stopped there.
i took the tape off the fill hole and the petcock and drained the excess coating. make sure you have some old rags to whip off any coating that you get on the tank. looking inside it seems like everything got a good healthy coating over it.
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I coated it sunday afternoon and im going to let it sit until tuesday night to give it plenty of time to cure. i will get back with you guys to let you know how it goes.
update: so far so good with the tank liner, no running issues, fuel filter looks like its staying clean, still been riding every day that its decent out.
Ive also recently decided that as much as i like the bike im just more of a car guy. I have it listed in the classifieds here for anyone who is interested. its basically just to see whats out there, i'll continue to ride the bike until i find something good to trade for, and if i dont end up trading I still have a pretty sweet bike, its a win-win