I haven't been on a bike regularly in almost 22 years. I steal dads Wing occasionally and take it for a cruise, but after almost getting ran over in my early 20's (literally, rolled out of the way before getting ran over after the snowbird ran into me from behind) I pretty much quit riding. Then 2 weeks ago it hit me. I want to ride again. The bug has come back with a vengeance.
I've spent the last two weeks trolling CL and FB market place, perusing the oem websites, used and new. I brought up the idea to SWMBO and her response was "as long as you're not riding in town during snowbird season. If that's what you want, go for it." My second job is my play fund, it's been buying subaru parts lately due to a blown motor in a bugeye, but it could easily support a new payment. I don't really want a new payment. I've researched it. I've resisted the urge to this point to attempt to finance something, but I can feel my resolve weakening. I'm preapproved through the bank, and a few dealer options, I just don't want to hit my credit with it. (long story, but I've busted my tail for the last 2 years to get it to where it's at, I don't like screwing with it). The other issue is the snowball of if I'm already financing xx.xx amount, it's just a bit more for this, and a bit more for this, then I'm staring at new Hyabusa's and going, damn that's cheaper than the X model...
I've spent A LOT of time thinking about this. I enjoy dad's 'Wing but I don't have a ton of time to ride right now, so the cruiser is kind of out. I don't want another super sport, my old 900RR was a riot, but I'm not as into going fast as I used to be. I'm leaning towards a classic sport or dual sport/adventure bike. There are 4 wildlife management areas within 30 minutes of me, and a dedicated off road motorcycle/atv area. I don't mind a small project, but a total redo of the house has 90% of my free time and the subaru is currently taking the rest of my spare time. (I miss fishing)
So does anyone have a bike they want to let go of and save me from myself?
Currently staring down..
New G 310 GS - pro' small, cheapish. Con - thumper
used Goldwing (still not sure I want it, but I could pawn it off on dad. ) pro - good for cruising and riding a sofa Con - BIG
Used 2017 F 800 GS a local dealer has for sub 10k. Pro more power than the 310, twin vs thumper. Con - bigger loan than the other.
All of them would require a payment and insurance, though the insurance is sub $300 a year with a $50 deductible on all of them.
Then there is the odd ball CSC RX4. 5k, 2 year unlimited mile warranty. ships to you in a box and you get to put it together.... again, a single
Edit - everything I've found on CL and FB have been crackheaded "I know what I got" or wanting stupid money