It's 100 degrees here in the suburbs of Chicago (actually I think it's a little cooler than that, but the thermometer in my car said 100 while I was driving) and it is affecting people poorly. At a merge to get onto the highway, a fine citizen decided he would not like to be behind me and instead would like to fit his car into the 1/2 car space between me and the car in front of me. I did not feel like yielding (I left plenty of space for him to zoom in there before the merge was upon us) and so he drove off down the shoulder. Later I passed him sitting in the left lane going well under the average speed with lots of cars backed up behind him (I was going about 68 in the middle lane).
Farther down the road I could see smoke in the distance. About the time traffic started slowing, another fine citizen in a Mini with dealer plates passed us on the right shoulder. As we approached the smoke I first saw a state cop in the right shoulder and wondered what happened with the Mini (apparently nothing). The smoke was an older Taurus wagon, completely engulfed in flames. Let me tell you, a burning car does not smell good.
About 10 minutes later I heard on the radio that the road I had just been on was completely closed.
Then in the final stretch, I witnessed yet another fine citizen drive for quite a long stretch in the center/turning lane of a surface street, and run a red at high speed. No accident... must have been his lucky day.
I think the heat's making peeps crazy!
I was lucky enough that there was a large package in the mail today, so I didn't even have to exit the house.
heat waves and full moons bring out the crazies.
7/17/13 4:49 p.m.
Well, heck. I mean, that's 12 degrees above Dave's Syndrome.

No real road rage today out here in the country. I did have a tow truck ahead of me keep blocking me everytime I could've passed him, but I was in no hurry.
I got to a meeting 10 minutes late and was still the first one there. 
lol at Dave's Syndrome...
I'm glad I don't have to go out any more today. I can hear people yelling at each other outside now (busy street).
7/17/13 8:39 p.m.
People are idiots. Every person that waits more than 3 minutes for a bus feels compelled to tell me how hot it is and that they shouldn't have to wait on a day like this. I already know it's hot. Trust me, when you spend your day standing outside in this sweet polyester uniform you know how hot it is out. Even if I hadn't sweat so much that my socks dissolved I would still know this because it is the only story on the news as though it didn't get hot EVERY berkeleyING JULY since the beginning of recorded history. If they had thrown George Zimmerman a ticker tape parade today no one would have known because the reporters are all standing on the beach in their suits reminding me to drink water every 4 minutes and wear my SPF 9000 sunblock, and of course ice down my elderly and infirm neighbors.
There were a lot more accidents than usual around here today, and at least two roads were completely closed due to clean up efforts.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
7/17/13 9:35 p.m.
slowride wrote:
The smoke was an older Taurus wagon, completely engulfed in flames. Let me tell you, a burning car does not smell good.
Car fire smell is one of the hardest fire smells to get off your body. Car fires are nasty.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
I'm at the "Whiskey" part... and now I need a partner. It takes 2 to tango.
Its berking up the road workers too. Last Saturday somebody got a bug up their ass to repave Woodward avenue, on a Saturday evening. You know, when people all bring out classic and/or stupid nice cars for the hell of it.
Yesterday I found out the right lane of the highway by my house is closed, they LEFT NO MERGE LANES AND NO WARNING SINGS YOU CAN SEE TILL ITS TOO LATE TO STOP(uphill ramp). Good thing I was bored and already had the car in its powerband, or I would have ate barrels, semi or both.
100 degrees. I rode the motorcycle. In a leather jacket. With gloves. And a full faced helmet. Wusses.
7/18/13 12:48 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
I'm at the "Whiskey" part... and now I need a partner. It takes 2 to tango.
It doesn't get nearly as much attention, but it's just as true of Foxtrot...
i don't think it was really a heat thing, but i did see a Harley rider today that went out of his way to be a d bag Richardhead... i was walking into Wal Mart at about 4pm to get some stuff before work, and i hear a Harley come roaring into the parking lot... he flies thru the parking lot, drives up next to the door around the little demo swing set that they had set up by the door, revs it a few times, and parks it there just as i'm walking by... then he flies into the store, around the corner, to the cell phone area right by the front door... i get my stuff, and as i'm walking out a few minutes later, he's hauling ass out the door right after me... he starts his bike, revs it a few times, then just sits there... i get in my car and go to leave, and wind up behind about 6 or 7 cars at the stoplight out of the parking lot- Harley badass dude decides that traffic rules aren't for people like him, so he flies around every one of us in the left turn lane, and makes a left turn at WFO.. there was no traffic, but i did see him blow thru another red light on the left shoulder and almost get taken out by a pickup about 1/4 mile away...
7/18/13 2:17 a.m.
I don't get it. Two weeks ago, it was 115F during the day, and at midnight it was still 100F. We call it summer. Happens pretty much every year, yet some people seem to forget.
I've been driving the Miata, with no A/C, and with the top down. Of course, it's only in the 90's here, but they're saying the heat index is in the 100's.
Plus, our they keep our office at about 68* year round, so it actually feels really nice when I go outside in the afternoon. I do feel for those people who spend all day doing physical labor in this heat though - BTDT. In fact, I had to load/unload my trailer Sunday in the heat, coming home from the flea-market. That sucked.
Appleseed wrote:
100 degrees. I rode the motorcycle. In a leather jacket. With gloves. And a full faced helmet. Wusses.
You atgatt riders are as bad as Prius and Volvo drivers.
7/18/13 7:04 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
i don't think it was really a heat thing, but i did see a Harley rider today that went out of his way to be a d bag
has nothing to do with heat .... just SOP
novaderrik wrote:
i don't think it was really a heat thing, but i did see a Harley rider today that went out of his way to be a d bag Richardhead...
pretty sure that's all harley riders.
and crotch rocket guys. right out of a turn i had road pizza guy on one, no helmet, pop it up on the back wheel while not quite straight. blew by me on one wheel, then weaved in and out a few times, and when there were cars in both lanes he tailgated someone up on his back wheel. when he couldnt get around to be first at the light he zipped up the shoulder and ran the light.
i had a harley guy on my tail matching my every move on the highway at 80 to the point that if i had to slow at all i would have had harley dude face implant on my tailgate.
ransom wrote:
Well, heck. I mean, that's 12 degrees above Dave's Syndrome.
The Daily Show last night: 'It's 100 and ball sweat degrees out there'. 
all sounds like regular traffic asshattery to me....
Even hotter today, and it started earlier! Had some guy stop next to me at a light, honk, and give me "the stare". No idea what I even did to deserve it, I was just driving along in the same lane for miles. Maybe it was supposed to be sultry?
don't look at me. Just spent 3 16 hour days in a 60 degree theatre doing rehersels for "I love Lucy - Live"
7/18/13 9:47 a.m.
mad_machine wrote:
don't look at me. Just spent 3 16 hour days in a 60 degree theatre doing rehersels for "I love Lucy - Live"
I could take or leave the I love Lucy, but sign me up for the 60*.