Some people will do anything to get high.
"There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about having to take a bathroom break in a porta-potty. They smell, they're dirty and you're either usually super hot or super cold while inside of one.
But a porta-potty meth lab on a golf course? That isn't a thing, right?!
Wrong. In Oklahoma, investigators found a mini meth lab inside a porta-potty in the middle of a golf course, which has to be the weirdest/most creative meth lab in history" The rest is below.
If the commercial world had any use for this level of creativity, they could have had a job 
You could say the whole situation stinks.
Study came out today (didn't read the link to see if it mentions it) that indicates Tulsa county is now the meth capital of the US.
Which makes me wonder why we are also one of the fattest states in the country.
Something was rotten on the back nine.
2/14/13 2:41 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
If the commercial world had any use for this level of creativity, they could have had a job
The amount of creativity many criminals possess is sometimes mind boggling.....they just lack a work ethic.
I thought all portapotties smelled like methlabs?
In reply to mad_machine:
Maybe all portapotties are methlabs.
that is sound enough logic for a search warrent
This guy had to use the portapotties alot but never had a golf bag.

1-TGINF(Thank God It's NOT Florida)
2- I think this just tops the in Walmart labs that have popped up in the last year.
There was a story not too long ago about someone who set up a meth lab inside a Wal-Mart. I suppose many of the ingredients required were right there on the shelves.
Let the record show that I DID NOT make a joke about anyone's Mom's vagina, even though the OP so carefully, deliberately arranged the pins and practically BEGGED me to knock them down. Hrmph.