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InigoMontoya New Reader
3/29/09 6:44 p.m.

Shouldn't you guys be working on projects instead of waiting around for an answer?

rebelgtp Dork
3/29/09 7:00 p.m.

Yeah sorry about the lack of updates guys. This week has been actually a bit on the rough side. I left the Friday after finals to go do my research project up in Gig Harbor for the weekend, it was planned and I was suppose to come back on tuesday then Thursday I was suppose to get together with the girl.

Anyway Sunday night I was in town (versus out in the rain forest where I had been), and I got a call from my Aunt. She told me that my Mom was in the hospital with heart problems. It was to late for me to leave that night, drive back to base camp gather gear and dogs and drive the almost 700 miles to where my mom was in the hospital. So I gathered my gear that night, got a couple hours sleep and drove most of the day Monday.

Spent the next two days trying to find out what was going on and what was going to happen. Mom had an extremely rapid heart rate, resting rate was around 140. She got out on Thursday, which I ended up having to drive across the mountain to her house to get some things for her, that is about 3 hours each way. Mom gets settled in at my place for a couple days (going home tomorrow). I've been having to take her up to the hospital ever morning to get blood work done. I talk to the girl and she has caught the flu her mother has been fighting all week.

That night I sprain my ankle and she has been getting mad at me anytime she thinks I'm not taking care of it (the girl not my mom). I've had to do quite a bit of running around so I've reinjured it a couple of times and and have been straining it. At this point I'm gimping along like Gibson at the end of Mad Max. Its the same leg as my bad knee so its stressing the knee now as well.

Then yesterday AT&T lets me know I was out of their service area to much and they were canceling my cell account. Fine screw them went to Verizon I have a new Blackberry Storm in my pocket now. This morning I go to print my schedule for next week and my printer eats itself. berkeley . Only place to get a printer local is Wally world go grab a cheapy Canon to get me by for a little while.

The girl is still sick, she is mad at me for not taking care of myself, and is worried about me because of the stress I have going on. Guess those are at least good signs right? Should see her tomorrow when classes start again unless she is still too sick to come to class.

I figure maybe I'll ask her this week after things have calmed down a bit we are suppose to work together in the lab this week, just the two of us. I'm also going to ask her if she wants to come help me on a photography job considering she wants to learn, and it would mean a weekend away for just the two of us.

EDIT: Oh and because of all of this I've had to postpone picking up the Cutlass for another week or two (its snowing again as well).

mel_horn HalfDork
3/29/09 7:16 p.m.


What would Chuck Norris do?

And why haven't you BOTH been working on the projects? Great icebreaker...

rebelgtp Dork
3/29/09 7:29 p.m.

Actually she is helping me starting this term (her idea) that is the work in the lab I was talking about. Also she is going to be helping me work on the Cutlass, at least that is the plan so far.

EastCoastMojo Dork
3/29/09 7:37 p.m.

Wow. I hope your mom is doing better soon!

rebelgtp Dork
3/29/09 8:07 p.m.

Thanks ECM. She is doing a bit better she gets tired really easy and coughed up some blood the first day. I may have to drive her across the mountain tomorrow after I get out of school. They have her on a ton of meds at the moment and for awhile she was having to give herself injections

Xceler8x Dork
3/30/09 8:04 a.m.

At the risk of sounding ridiculous...

Dogs teach us how to be better people. For instance, when someone is stealing your food you can bite them. Alright, bad example. A better one would be the kind of dogs you own. They throw themselves into situations and most times come out just fine. Even though they aren't the biggest, smartest (still pretty smart tho), or the best looking dog in the pack. They run headlong into obstacles and live to see another day.

ASK HER OUT. I know you've been busy but she's giving you all the signs besides laying across the hood of some junk cutlass naked. Speaking of...if you get that you need to post pics. Otherwise we're revoking your GRM account and making you drive cars that are ludicrously expensive and impossible to repair without dealership tools.

Sorry to hear about Mom. Here's to hoping she perks up soon. I'm not sure..but maybe new girl would like to be asked to help you out a bit? I know. It surprises me too when my g/f actually enjoys doing menial crap for me when I'm stressed. I'm not used to having someone I can rely on. The same?

ClemSparks SuperDork
3/30/09 10:00 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
ClemSparks wrote:
AngryCorvair wrote: "if she'll cheat on him, she'll cheat on you."
Actually, I disagree. I am not going to go into any details as to why, but it is possible to cheat on one person, and then not cheat on someone else and to in fact not ever even consider it once. Once a cheater does not always make a cheater, although it does make for a blemish on one's track record.

I think you're right. LIke you said, the "blemish on the track record" would leave me wondering for a while. I guess it's all about trust. Trust can be established...

Rebel...I sincerely hope that all three of you get to feeling better soon!


rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 10:45 a.m.

Thanks guys. I have been stressing as well because today is my deadline for my abstract and up until last night I had not written it or given it much thought over the week with everything that is going on. Anyway got that finished.

I'm picking her up at one side of campus to give her a lift over to our Bio lab. She currently has that broken leg which would make getting across campus in 5 minutes a bit on the tough side lol

iceracer Reader
3/30/09 11:01 a.m.

Sounds like you both need some TLC. For each other.

rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 7:25 p.m.

Well I told her...She got that dear in the head lights look...next words out of her mouth were "I'm not shooting you down but you do know I have a boy friend right?"...yeah I know (trust me I'm well aware)...she needs to think about it.

Type Q
Type Q HalfDork
3/30/09 7:46 p.m.

However this goes, I respect your courage. It is hard to put yourself out there and you did.

MikeSVO New Reader
3/30/09 8:00 p.m.

Aw man that's a bunch of crap!!!


Luke Dork
3/30/09 8:03 p.m.

You weren't actually wearing the helmet-cam, were you?

Kidding aside, well done, and good luck.

rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 8:05 p.m.

Well she hasn't stopped talking to me so that is at least a bonus, and she has not said no. She has to think about it and I can understand that. She has to think about her situation with him and her feelings for me and which road she wants to follow.

Oh and honestly I would kind of rather her think it through and make the decision versus her just saying yes, because now she is weighing her options and not getting into that whole cheating aspect of things.

So I'm sitting here with my gut twisted in a knot hoping for the best and thinking I could use a shot of bourbon

EastCoastMojo Dork
3/30/09 8:34 p.m.

I think you did the right thing and you have the right attitude about her reply. I would have a lot less respect for her if she was flighty enought to drop her existing boyfriend at the first nod of interest from you. Plus, she is not going down the cheating road either. She sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders, as do you.

I have my fingers crossed for ya!

rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 8:46 p.m.

Thanks ECM.

I'm hoping for the best and really hope it doesn't damage the friendship that we can just take it to the next level. We will see.

blaze86vic Reader
3/30/09 9:00 p.m.

What you have here now is the best possible outcome!! This is a sign that she is a loyal partner. She's not interested in cheating on anyone (and when I say cheating, bare in mind that you can cheat on someone both physically and mentally if you have decided you would rather be with someone else and fail to mention this to your partner.) If she had just jumped on the next train, (that would be you) then it would be a sign that she might jump to another train later.

Here is hopin' for ya man!

And I hope your mother is getting better fast.

rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 9:37 p.m.

Yeah I'm thinking the outcome is good...I just have a feeling the wait is going to drive me nuts.

EastCoastMojo Dork
3/30/09 9:40 p.m.

Is that a ships' wheel sticking out of yer pants?

"ARRR! It drives me nuts!"

rebelgtp Dork
3/30/09 9:46 p.m.

lmao oh man that is funny....

I think until I find out I'll be spending quite a bit of time on GRM lol

Jerry From LA
Jerry From LA Reader
3/30/09 11:50 p.m.

OK, so now she knows and everyone's stuck so here's what's going on.

  1. Either she's using you as a surrogate for her "real" boyfriend because she thinks you're "harmless" or:

  2. She really likes you.

Either way, here's what I would do. First of all, no more speeches proclaiming your undying love for her. Instead, ask her to the movies, to restaurants, concerts, museums, etc. The traditional dating stuff. Take her hiking when you both have the time. Double date if necessary so she doesn't feel "pressured." Perhaps there's something she'd like to do (small-scale stuff) but never got around to it. Be the one to make that happen. Use your imagination rather than your wallet. Either she'll want to do that stuff with you or not. Then you'll know how she really feels. Know when to back off.

Be cool and be a man of action. Don't press the sex issue, just be so friggin' cool she'll see you in the boyfriend light. Right now, she's conflicted but eventually she'll make a choice. You may or may not like it. If you've done everything you can but don't get the result, at least you know you tried. Try to avoid blurting out exclamations of undying love because they sound a little desperate at this juncture. Save the bad poetry for unattached women or someone who's already your girlfriend. Take everything I'm saying here with a grain of salt but ask me how I know. Good luck. Now, once more into the breach.......

rebelgtp Dork
3/31/09 12:15 a.m.

yeah at this point I'm trying to just back off and see what happens. Just finished a glass a bourbon and I think I'm going to see if I can get some sleep.

Osterizer HalfDork
3/31/09 12:26 a.m.
Jerry From LA wrote: OK, so now she knows and everyone's stuck so here's what's going on. 1. Either she's using you as a surrogate for her "real" boyfriend because she thinks you're "harmless" or:

This is the future of our poor friend.

This story is so very familiar.

ClemSparks SuperDork
3/31/09 9:01 a.m.

do not EVER let her see this thread.

You've told her how you feel...but I'm sure you'd also be fine (after a little bit of wound licking) if she decided to stay your friend and not pursue the romantic angle at this time. Besides the knowledge, nothing has changed. Keep the same relationship you had. Be the good friend that enjoys spending time with her.

What do I know...I only wish I was in your situation (after a bit of sewing oats!)


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