3/31/09 9:09 a.m.
Osterizer wrote:
Jerry From LA wrote:
OK, so now she knows and everyone's stuck so here's what's going on.
1. Either she's using you as a surrogate for her "real" boyfriend because she thinks you're "harmless" or:
This is the future of our poor friend.
This story is so very familiar.
If I had a dollar for every time, I could by better bourbon.
ClemSparks said: said:
| do not EVER let her see this thread.
Don't even acknowlege our existance. I tell my wife I'm looking at porn so she won't see the things I write.
Osterizer wrote:
Jerry From LA wrote:
OK, so now she knows and everyone's stuck so here's what's going on.
1. Either she's using you as a surrogate for her "real" boyfriend because she thinks you're "harmless" or:
This is the future of our poor friend.
This story is so very familiar.
Ouch yeah.... i didn't think i hit it so close with the whole "Just Friends" movie and real life scenario.
Been there, done that.
I usually get roped into that first, considering over half the girls i meet think i'm gay for some reason. Which now that i think about it, didn't exactly hurt my chances any.
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys really know how to lift a guys spirits.
3/31/09 9:39 a.m.
You've come to the wrong place, we drag you down to our level.
Wally wrote:
You've come to the wrong place, we drag you down to our level.
oh crap i would be dead scared to be at your level Wally
rebelgtp wrote:
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys really know how to lift a guys spirits.
No no no don't mind us. Keep drinking your spirits and it'll all turn out well either way.
I only say this because after all my follies, i actually have a nice girlfriend, and had her for quite some time now.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
No no no don't mind us. Keep drinking your spirits and it'll all turn out well either way.
Actually that was the first drink I've had for months, funny when you consider the fact I have a bar in my house. Last night just had to take the edge off.
rebelgtp wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
No no no don't mind us. Keep drinking your spirits and it'll all turn out well either way.
Actually that was the first drink I've had for months, funny when you consider the fact I have a bar in my house. Last night just had to take the edge off.
Sooo.... when can i visit? 
My fridge in the garage is full of Corona as well lol. I'm just not a big drinker anymore but plenty of the family and that comes to visit still are.
Hell come on over help me lug the Cutlass over and yank the engine.
rebelgtp wrote:
My fridge in the garage is full of Corona as well lol. I'm just not a big drinker anymore but plenty of the family and that comes to visit still are.
Hell come on over help me lug the Cutlass over and yank the engine.
I would.... but you're rather far. I do have a transmission sitting in Washington, though.
rebelgtp wrote:
Actually that was the first drink I've had for months, funny when you consider the fact I have a bar in my house. Last night just had to take the edge off.
Pardon me if I sound too harsh here but get a hold of yourself. Being Mr Shaky Boy is a huge turn-off. You are in college. It's a target-rich environment. Obviously, it looks like my first point struck a chord with everybody including you so that means in your heart of hearts you know the truth.
So live your life. Do your schoolwork. Wrench your car. Hang with your friends. Take the woman out if you want but expect nothing to come of it. Meanwhile, I bet there are at least 100 women in that place who would like you, are appealing and are unattached. Living your life in the Petri Dish of Love is pretty limiting so expand your horizons if you get my drift. If you make a do-or-die deal out of this you'll be in agony over nothing. If you let a woman like this monopolize your feelings she will not respect you.
In the movie "Shawshank Redemption," Morgan Freeman says you can get busy living or get busy dying. Choose life. Let this woman come to you now. If she doesn't, move on. At least you'll have a lab partner you can stand.
Well if you ever find yourself coming through eastern Oregon let me know.
Far from shaky last night just wound up a bit with to much crap going through my mind. Basically finally letting all the crap I've gone through in the last year sink in. Almost losing both my parents (dad last summer mom just last week), getting back to school, losing my long time gf, and a ton of other stuff.
Basically it was the fact that last night I finally did decide to move on with things and let her know how I felt instead of holding on to the crap of the past and just let it drag me down. So as the quote you mentioned (one of my favorite movies by the way) I have chosen to live.
Good for you. Sorry to hear about your folks. Sounds like you're pretty raw right now so that's why this whole thing with the girl got so amped up.
Just don't forget to have some fun. School can be a drag so take time when you can to do something that recharges your batteries.
I thought "Petri Dish of Love" was pretty good, though.
Yeah I decided to take a lighter schedule this term only 14 credits plus my research instead of my normal 20 credits plus research. Also I'm taking photography which will be a fun class for me and having the Cutlass coming makes for another good distraction.
However a cool thing is my prof wants me to start drafting a paper to have published in a scientific journal because my research project is going in the right direction. So if that all goes through I will be an undergrad with a published methodology paper in a scientific journal. Should open a couple doors on the grad school side of things.
This last weekend I finally got my weights back over here to the new house and hung my heavy bag in the garage so I have a good outlet for things.
And yes the "Petri dish of love" was a good one lol. Even better considering we are covering reproduction this term lol.
93celicaGT2: I thought you were gay too, just sayin... 
wherethefmi wrote:
93celicaGT2: I thought you were gay too, just sayin...
Hey it's cool, i'm not mad.
Always worked out pretty well going out with the girl that thought i was gay... maybe dinner, a movie, a heart to heart, followed shortly by PITTB. 
Still no word on her decision, she is in Boise getting a post op check up from her surgery. However she did text me to find out how my first day in my photography class went.
4/1/09 9:32 a.m.
Enough, we need a distraction.
Tell me about the Cutlass.
Its a 1980 that started life out as a diesel and some time in its past got swapped over for a some Pontiac V8 (not sure which one yet).
My uncles brother use to run dirt track races out here and had a similar year Monte Carlo as his race car. He picked up the Olds to pull spare parts from but they shut down the races out here before he could start tearing it apart. So it has just been sitting at his place for the last 5 years or so. I had brought up wanting to find a project car while we were all at the bar, he mentioned the Olds, I asked him how much he said come and get it that it was mine. So can't beat the price. I just need to rent a trailer and drive over there to get it. Its in Baker so about 45 minutes away.
Figuring a 350 with a manual trans will get shoved in there. However if it turns out the Pontiac lump that is in it is a big block I may decide to say what the hell good bye gas mileage and rebuild that if salvageable.
Nice thing is out here cars can sit for year and not rot away at the most they get a tiny bit of surface rust that is it. So not going to have to worry about that so much, going to gut the thing and rebuild it with the Mad Max cars as kind of a template. See how much I can scrounge up and build it for as inexpensive as possible. However the one place I will spend most of my money will be the suspension and brakes cause I'd like to get it handling well to go with the increased power.
Well latest update she is still thinking about things. She said it will more than likely be awhile before she comes to a decision.
I think I'm going to go nuts. She has not been talking to me quite as much the last couple of days.
I need to find something to get my mind off of her for a few days I think. This weekend I might get the Cutlass hauled over but I'm not sure. Any other suggestions? Just pour myself into my school work? Go out and work on my heavy bag (thinking about moving it down to my basement)? Work out with my weights? Any ideas?
rebelgtp wrote:
Well latest update she is still thinking about things. She said it will more than likely be awhile before she comes to a decision.
So, did you ask her out (I think I must have missed the post on that)? If so, you should be happy that she is mature enough to stop and think about the situation she is in.
Similiar thing happened to me. The relationship lasted 2 years... it was a good 2 years when I look back. But the month leading up to where we started dating SUCKED. Probably means she is trying to figure out how to deal with her current boyfriend.
I certainly hope that is what it means lol...she says she does not know what to say to me yet so who knows.
So come on guys I need some things to occupy my mind for the next little while give me all the suggestions you have.
rebelgtp wrote:
Its a 1980 that started life out as a diesel and some time in its past got swapped over for a some Pontiac V8 (not sure which one yet).
Figuring a 350 with a manual trans will get shoved in there. However if it turns out the Pontiac lump that is in it is a big block I may decide to say what the hell good bye gas mileage and rebuild that if salvageable.
OK, there's no big block / smallblock for Pontiac. That's a carryover from Chevy owners who's manhood is challenged if their engine doesn't weigh 500 lbs. Every Pontiac engine has the same size block except for the 301/265 short deck motors.
If you can look at the side of the block from underneath with a flashlight you will see the engine size cast into the block.
If you've got a 301 in there, every body craps all over them but with a little work they are very decent engines. Just shoot me a PM if you want to find out more.
Work on the car, start detailing, and make everything spotless. If you think you've got it clean, then clean the smaller spots....then start cleaning under the car...then start cleaning in places you can't even see on the car just so that they are clean......this has worked well for me for the past year of solitude....and I may still be alone but that car is ultra clean!!
Then start staring at the Hartley H1 V8 engine and designing the setup and parts required to install said $27,000 engine into your car (that through complete lack of any logical reason must be worth no more than $5,000), and is exponentially cooler the less it's worth. Then I want you to derive and show a proof of the equation of coolness with respect to initial vehicle value.