12/20/09 11:36 p.m.
I got to free six wheelchairs from the snow. If there is 8 inches of show on the ground and you hae 6 inch wheels, stay home. You don't need a lottery ticket, you're already pushing luck about as far as it's gonna go.
You can get a nice warm beanie like me here

JThw8 wrote:
Its actually pretty good in the snow, rear drive with the engine over the drive wheels just like an old beetle. Like any small car it doesn't do so well when its piled this high, not so much for traction just can't clear the stuff. They still havent plowed our development so I probably cant get it out in the morning unless they do. Guess I'll be taking the Tahoe.
They have not plowed where I live either (and I just watched a plow go down the main street laying salt, but doing nothing for the snow) so I was forced to dig a 10 foot wide path through 18 inch snow 300 feet long to get from my driveway to the main road.
I am sore today in places I did not know I could get sore in.. but for being 39, I managed to outlast (and out shovel) both an 18yo and a 30yo
12/21/09 10:16 a.m.
If I had to do that, I would be dead. D E D D, dead
12/21/09 11:12 a.m.
Last year I thought my 240SX was going to kill me in the snow.
This year, with a little more experience (drifting) behind the wheel, I feel much more comfortable in the snow. Doesn't make it an AWD Snow machine like a Subaru, but enough that I'm not scared E36M3less.
Here's hoping for more snow, I want snowshoes!
Wally ftw with the link to the beanie in the store! We love you, man.
PHeller wrote:
Doesn't make it an AWD Snow machine like a Subaru, but enough that I'm not scared E36M3less.
meh. after watching an Outback spin one rear wheel uselessly while trying to get into a parking spot this morning (and while the other three wheels just sat there not helping at all), i'm not exactly blown away by the snow capability of subarus.
12/21/09 2:36 p.m.
Saturday night, 20" by the time I took this pic of the Range Rover:

By 11:30 saturday night, I cleared it off and went four wheeling in the deep snow. Massive fun to go bounding through 20" of the powder with the suspension set at it's highest setting, and still having snow coming up over the hood...
Ended up having to go rescue a friend who couldn't get home from work. kinda sad to go into work today and all the parking lots are cleared off. No fun! 

Actually, today is Monday, December 21st. The shortest day of the year.
i love 12/21 because for the next six months the days are getting longer!
12/21/09 8:51 p.m.
And Leon is getting laaaaarrrrrger