Matt B wrote:
I feel like the only guy who doesn't really get into football, baseball, basketball, or really any sport that doesn't involve a motor. Sometimes I feel like I might be missing out on some major part of our culture, but then I think about having to actually watch an entire game and I'm pretty meh about the whole shebang.
Not at all. I don't watch any sports on TV and don't follow the results of most. If I do, I'm a highlight reel sort of guy. I don't really even watch racing unless I remember to set up the DVR so I can ffwd thru most of it. Now... If I'm sitting on the pit wall with a vested interest in what goes on - I can do that for the rest of my days and not get bored. I'd still rather be in the car.
Ian F
9/18/13 9:15 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Am I the only one here who thinks German engineers work way too hard at convincing others of how smart they are, and not enough time engineering things that actually work?
Oh good lord yes... (agree)
I often feel like I'm the only one who thinks the E30 is a berking POS... wish I'd known that before I bought one...
9/18/13 9:18 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Am I the only one here who thinks German engineers work way too hard at convincing others of how smart they are, and not enough time engineering things that actually work?
Just German electrical engineers, for the most part. It's wires and switches, FFS. In Volkswagen's case, wires and switches and simple sensors. How hard can it be.
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about F1?
Srsly, I can't relate to that level of racing, the drivers, the scene, or the cars at all.
Am I the only one who is sick of seeing CL ads on the classifieds forums that aren't being sold by members? Same goes for my car club's facebook group, I don't care what you found in Idaho, our university is in IL
Matt B
9/18/13 9:27 a.m.
In reply to Duke & GPS: Glad to hear I'm not the only one clueless about the games around the water cooler.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Am I the only one here who thinks German engineers work way too hard at convincing others of how smart they are, and not enough time engineering things that actually work?
Am I the only one who thinks that fuel prices are not linked to the cost of oil but rather to the profits lost by the oil companies from the higher fuel efficiency of engines across the board? (I.E. The used to make $.50/gal selling 1,000,000,000 gallons per day previously but now they are only selling 500,000,000 gallons daily so they need to charge more per gallon)
+1 for the no beer crowd. Not a huge fan of Fight Club, either.
I sometimes think I'm the only around here who doesn't think automatic transmissions are the spawn of satan.
I hate coffee. Actually I hate the whole coffee culture as well.
9/18/13 9:47 a.m.
Adrian Thompson is my new hero, and Aussie continues to be my nemesis.
RossD wrote:
Am I the only guy here that doesn't really care about racing but still loves all the engineering that happens for it? (I love this place!)
Am I the only guy that is the complete and exact opposite of this?
Wanna be my crew chief?
9/18/13 9:53 a.m.
captain nemo wrote:
i am only the only guy on here who's wife had Hysterectomy and now i am screwed, no wait, i am not screwed. maybe thats a little over the top, but you guy's have a answer for everything..........
Wait, what? My wife had a hysterectomy, and my quality of life went up 1000%. Has yours had problems with recovery?
Am I the only one who likes to get E36 M3faced and watch "Apocalypse Now" projected on the garage door?
N Sperlo wrote:
Nope. Get that stuff away from me. Bourbon is my sworn enemy.
Someone at my bachelor party (aka ME) decided it would be "fun" to drink an entire bottle of that. I honestly thought I was going to die that night, and I'm surprised I didn't. I only have bits and pieces of my memory from that night. Some highlights include:
-Threatening gravity and Mother Nature and trying to punch the air and ground
-Running through a friend's fire pit and somehow not catching fire
-Simultaneously falling out my friend's back door, breaking his threshold, vomiting, and somehow launching a bowl full of apples that was on my friend's counter in the air, which caused my friends to believe that I vomited whole apples
Every time I get together with my friends, more tidbits of what I did that night that I cannot remember are revealed to me.
To this day, the smell of that stuff makes my stomach turn. I have a bottle at my house as a reminder to never, ever drink like that again.
Am I the only one that thinks there might be some tmi going on in this thread?
9/18/13 10:11 a.m.
captain nemo wrote:
duke said:
Wait, what? My wife had a hysterectomy, and my quality of life went up 1000%. Has yours had problems with recovery?
uh, 7 years ago, nothing in the way of marital relations since.......what am i doing wrong???
Maybe nothing. Depends on what she needed to have done. If it was extensive, she may have internal structural issues that make sex uncomfortable or painful. Things are awfully interconnected in there. If she had an ovarectomy to go along with it, it could be a hormonal issue. Either way, I'm sorry to hear it. 
My wife still has her ovaries, and her hysterectomy was due to a bunch of large, benign tumors called fibroids. Now she has a lot more room for her bladder and is a lot more comfortable. She also doesn't get her period (which makes her happy) and thus doesn't get PMS (which makes me really happy). Our sex life didn't really change (I had already been snipped) but our marriage has gotten much much better because we, almost literally, argue about 90% less than we used to.
Now, if she finds this post, I'm probably gonna be in for it... 
Matt B wrote:
I feel like the only guy who doesn't really get into football, baseball, basketball, or really any sport that doesn't involve a motor. Sometimes I feel like I might be missing out on some major part of our culture, but then I think about having to actually watch an entire game and I'm pretty meh about the whole shebang.
This. I've tried...I really have. But zero interest. I only watch the superbowl for the commercials (Thanks to youtube, don't even have to do that)
9/18/13 10:12 a.m.
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Am I the only one who likes to get E36 M3faced and watch "Apocalypse Now" projected on the garage door?
I read that as "garage floor" and I was going to say "Yes, yes you are."
I drink, smoke cigars, enjoy swapping engines into 80's econoboxes, hate non-engine related sports, race a hornet/pro 4 on a rallyX track, will watch a movie projected on the floor if you put it there, hate coffe but like the Monster Java, cuss a lot off-air, and love Fight Club.
captain nemo wrote:
See a counselor, seriously this is beyond a cold spell get some professional help, if she wont go, you need to start going alone.
captain nemo wrote:
i started the tmi......... am i the only one who regrets selling a car that you know would have killed you or got you some real jail time?
I daily drive a car like that. When it's running right, it's a very real perpetual inner battle.
9/18/13 10:25 a.m.
captain nemo wrote:
Don't be. This is a place you can ask about anything. If people don't like it, they can skim over the discussion.
I think I agree with Aussie. It sounds like something is going on, either physically/hormonally or emotionally, that's getting in the way for her. That's not good for a marriage unless it's understood and dealt with. Easier said than done, of course. I'm sure you've tried a lot of things a lot of times, but finding some way to bring the topic up for discussion while keeping it from being perceived as another request/pressure for sex is going to be A) important and B) not easy. If I can help, PM me if you're uncomfortable spinning this off to a new thread. But input from other guys might be helpful.