10/7/11 5:43 a.m.
Amish mob violently breaks into homes and cuts off hair
Steubenville, OH (WOIO/CNN) - An Amish mob is accused of breaking into several homes and cutting off the beards and hair of other Amish men.
Now, the group is the focus of four police investigations in Ohio.
Police say the assaults are the work of members of the "Bergholz Clan."
In one attack, the men allegedly packed a horse-drawn buggy, rode to a home and cut the hair off some men and women in the house.
The violent haircuts are meant to humiliate and punish those Amish who are supposedly weak in the faith.
It's left the police baffled.
"Well it's pretty bizarre for us, we've never had anything like this happen here before," said a Steubenville officer.
In Holmes County, the suspected bandits may face assault, burglary and kidnapping charges.
10/7/11 6:00 a.m.
Need some of those Ohio Amish--where's John Book?
It's hard to make a clean getaway when the getaway vehicle is a horse-drawn buggy.
10/7/11 7:26 a.m.
But if everyone else has a buggy, blend right in.
Q: What does an Amish drive-by sound like?
A: Clip clop clip clop BANG BANG BANG clip clop clip clop ...
Finally, being folically-challenged has an advantage!
KSDK, St Louis: Where Ohio's news comes first.
What do you suppose these people did to deserve late-night haircuts? Not inviting the Bergholzes to the barn raising? Sleeping past 4:30? Cutting back on the animal organ content in the stew? Secretly using power tools?
Those crazy Amish are at it again. You aren't safe anywhere anymore.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
What do you suppose these people did to deserve late-night haircuts? Not inviting the Bergholzes to the barn raising? Sleeping past 4:30? Cutting back on the animal organ content in the stew? Secretly using power tools?
my guess is zippers...closing your pants with metal teeth is Satan at work...
Hehe.... Traci Lords' hometown...
They climbing in yo windows, cutting your facial hair.
Tryna shave your family so hide your kids, hide your wife.
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife,
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife,
Hide your husbands too cuz they shearing everybody up here.
You don't have to come and confess, we lookin for you
We gonna find you.
So you can run and till that
run and till that
run and till that
Farm boy
Farm farm farm boy.
10/7/11 11:17 a.m.
Another, more local account:
More to the story including a custody battle, sexual offenders and a $35 million dollar federal lawsuit.
Wow. I used to live not far from Steubenville.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
What do you suppose these people did to deserve late-night haircuts? Not inviting the Bergholzes to the barn raising? Sleeping past 4:30? Cutting back on the animal organ content in the stew? Secretly using power tools?
The power tool bit may not be far off. A lot of Amish today are fully connected with smart phones and such. It tends to be the ones out in the real word who need it to run businesses so their families don't starve.
ThePhranc wrote:
...some words... and I felt like quoting him as a reason to post this pic...
Those folk have a different way of doing things all-right.

10/7/11 12:33 p.m.
Sounds like something that would happen in a Mel Brooks movie.
with all the crazy names like Mesopotamia and Mullet, and then toss in the oddball stuff about using a trailer as a getaway car, I thought for moment I was reading the onion...