Just got back from visit to the allergy doctor. And boy am I in bad shape.
I had severe allergies as a child but thought I had grown out of most of them. Especially since moving from Ohio to Tennessee. I feel so much better than I used to.
It seems however that I had just become used to being sick all the time and that became my normal.
I knew that I had strong reactions to cats, dogs and dust mites. What I didn't know is that I have developed some food allergies as well. I also didn't know that I have been living with asthma. As a child I had frequent asthma attacks but the older I got the less they happened. Except if I got around a cat, I work in people houses and I know the instant I walk in the door if they have a cat. My eyes completely swell shut and so does my throat.
It seems I have a good chance of being allergic to corn, oats, oyster, peanut, green peas, coconut, mustard, buckwheat, lima bean and cinnamon. I have to completely cut those out of my diet for fifteen days and then load up on one of them for three days and take note of any reactions. If the test is positive for reactions then I have to repeate it three times. If it's negative then I can move on the the next food on the list.
What suprised me more was my asthma. The doctor asked how my breathing was and I told him fine. However they tested my lung function and the numbers weren't good. About 65% after a breathing treatment I improved by 12%. Apperantly I have never been able to breath good and didn't notice anything was wrong because like I said thats my normal.
So I've got some new inhalers, which I haven't used since I was a teenager. And I need to figure out what I can eat. Do you know how much stuff has corn in it? I'll give you a clue, almost EVERYTHING.
10/1/12 12:51 p.m.
You know what doesn't have corn in it?
Meat of any kind, fruit and vegetables that aren't corn.
Cut out the processed garbage and you'll feel a hell of a lot better.
Grizz wrote:
Cut out the processed garbage and you'll feel a hell of a lot better.
Truth. Plus you will lose weight as you will get rid of the unprocessable corn "solids". Corn as a vegetable is OK, but most of it's chemically derived substances for food are not.
DrBoost wrote:
Where did you move from?
Just north of Cincy, to Knoxville.
Grizz wrote:
You know what doesn't have corn in it?
Meat of any kind, fruit and vegetables that aren't corn.
Cut out the processed garbage and you'll feel a hell of a lot better.
Depends on where your beef is from
Our Colorado beef has grain in it.
10/1/12 1:03 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
I'll actually have to look into that, I dunno where it comes from here.
Sounds like my Celiac disease. Nothing with wheat in it.
A whole new shopping program.
I begin to think the only thing without corn in it.. is corn
As long as yur not allergic to air, you oughta be treatable 
10/1/12 3:33 p.m.
Me too, misery loves company.
I spent most of last week feeling like my throat was about the size of a straw, my nose like a rutabaga, and my eyes like pissholes in the snow. Lovely fall allergies.
The food thing takes a while to figure out – basically I eat almost nothing from the aisles of the grocery store... almost all the natural food and produce is located on the perimeter. No packaged, no frozen, no canned. Just fresh food with no mystery ingredients. You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel overall if you can eliminate all the crap extenders and additives.
I had a similar diagnosis in high school with Asthma. I was an athlete through out. It wasn't until my senior year that I found out I had asthma. Once medicated, boy did that make a huge difference in my abilities.
I just didn't realized anything was wrong cause it was normal to me. It is amazing what you'll get use to.
10/1/12 4:28 p.m.
Grizz wrote:
You know what doesn't have corn in it?
Meat of any kind, fruit and vegetables that aren't corn.
Cut out the processed garbage and you'll feel a hell of a lot better.
Beef jerky will often have corn byproducts in it.
10/1/12 6:32 p.m.
nicksta43 wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
Where did you move from?
Just north of Cincy, to Knoxville.
East TN is one of the worst places to live with allergies.
Give me a shout if you need anything.
jhaas wrote:
nicksta43 wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
Where did you move from?
Just north of Cincy, to Knoxville.
East TN is one of the worst places to live with allergies.
Give me a shout if you need anything.
Appreciate the offer, the only thing I can think of at the moment is a ride in the M5 or the 914 or the 911 or the...
10/1/12 8:16 p.m.
Grass fed beef, fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, ..... these are your friends
does bacon have corn in it?
Ranger50 wrote:
Grizz wrote:
Cut out the processed garbage and you'll feel a hell of a lot better.
Truth. Plus you will lose weight as you will get rid of the unprocessable corn "solids". Corn as a vegetable is OK, but most of it's chemically derived substances for food are not.
I developed an allergy to all dairy, anything from a cow, and now that I've cut it completely out of my diet, I've lost 50lbs.