My grandfather kept everything. He was a freak for antiques and he started collecting them in the 50s, so some stuff is probably worth some money but a lot of it is just junk that he thought was shiny. When he died, we kept the farm as a hunting/getaway/camp thing and basically touched nothing. I very much enjoy going through his antiques. I found these the other day and I'm curious what they actually are.
They are porcelain cups about the size of a thimble. The markings say "Coors" with some numbers. Our first thought was some kind of ceramic bottle cap but they are much too fragile and thin. They also have no where for a gasket. A google search turns up that Coors was also a manufacturer of apothecary things like Mortar and Pestles. The box they're in has a price tag on them (can't read price) from Sargent Welch which is a supplier of scientific lab and teaching supplies, and Grandpa was a biology teacher for 37 years.
So I have it narrowed down to some kind of scientific equipment by a company named Coors... but what are they?