I know there's at least one of you (SupraWes) hiding out.
You all are MORE than welcome to spin a wrench and drink some beers with us! We'll be starting the '09 build in a month or so, drop us a line.
Serious, the more the merrier.
I know there's at least one of you (SupraWes) hiding out.
You all are MORE than welcome to spin a wrench and drink some beers with us! We'll be starting the '09 build in a month or so, drop us a line.
Serious, the more the merrier.
Yeah, I don't think I've seen you (wes) since I borrowed your circular saw eons ago.
And Krout, I'm going to invite a few friends from back home who live in town once we start wrenching again. We need a team worthy of a name.
MitchellC wrote: Yeah, I don't think I've seen you (wes) since I borrowed your circular saw eons ago.
When I borrow someone's power tools I make it a point not to see them for as long as possible.
ooh ooh, can I wear my Nader 08 shirt? :)
I would like to get involved, I tend to be a bit of a hermit but a good swift kick every now and then works wonders. I will pm you my #.
David_Chong wrote: I want a BWC shirt please.
Given some time, I might Cafepress up a few. Yours will be gratis, of course!
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